Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/776

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sixTY-n1GHr1—1 coxenass. sm. 11. cs. 75. 1925. 745 regulation the qualifications required of such guides. No person other than a registered guide shall act as guide for a nonresident in any section of the Territory where guides are required by regulation of the commission to be registered. Sunnrvisiorx E. Anim: srnomr. License.-That no alien shall take A“°”S¤’°°*“l· any of the animals or birds protected by this Act, or own or be possessed of a shotgun, riiie, or other firearm, except under an alien special license issued as herein provided. Smsmvision F. R1aro1rrs.——Each person to whom a license to take Hc§,f§§,§s‘TS “’““i’°" °‘ birds or animals, or to deal in furs, is issued, shall, on or before thirty days after the expiration of his license, make a written report to the commission on a form prepared and furnished by it, stating the kind and number of each species of bird or animal taken, purchased, or otherwise procured under such license. A licensee P°¤¤l*Y*°* mlmwho willfully fails or neglects to make such report shall not be entitled to, nor shall he be granted, a license to take birds or animals or deal in furs for one year from the date such report is due, but no other punishment shall be imposed. Snesmcrioiv G. Frm-rama; 1.1cnNsn.———That no person shall engage F“"¤¤¤· in the business of farming land fur-bearingranimals or possess them for purposes of propagation without st having procured a fur-farm license as herein provided. Simmvrsron H. Frm nnamans, mcmvsns, 1·*rms.—No person shall buy F“’d°"l°”· or sell the skins of fur—bearing animals, or enagage in, carry on, or be concerned in the business of buying selling, or trading in the skins of fur-bearin animals protected by this Act without first having procured a gcense as herein provided, but no license shall E‘°°p°°“‘ be uired of a native—born resident Indian, Eskimo, or half-breed whiielas not severed his tribal relations by adopting a civilized mode of living or by exercising the right of franchise, or of a hunter or trapper selling the skins of such animals which he has lawfully taken, or of a person not engaged or employed in the business of prading in such skins to purchase them for his own use but not or sa e. The applicant for such a license shall accompany his application d§f:,§_ ’°°“"°" '°' by the required fee, as follows: Ram ts ga; If the applicant is a resident of the Territory, the sum of $10. ,_,m;:d;m mmm b If the applicant is a nonresident of the Territory, who is a ezé. ’ citizen of the United States, or is a corporation, association, or copartnership organized under the laws of the Territory or of a State of the United States, the sum of $250. (G) If the applicant is an alien, or is a corporation, association, or Am"' cogartnership not organized under the laws of the Territory or of a tate of the United States, the sum of $500. If a resident agent for a fur dealer within the meaning of R°”“*°¤*°¢°¤'·· clause (c) of this section, the sum of $10. If a nonresident, who is a citizen of the United States and an N°¤’°$*°°¤°°¤°¤*- agent for a dealer within the meaning of said clause (c), the sum o $250. Svrsmvrsiox I. Fans Arm Arrmcarroxs ron, Arm ISSUANCE. or ¥S¤¤¤f¤¤·=¤¤¤· LIcnNsns.——Licenses, with the exception of alien special licenses and resident shipping licenses, shall be issued by the commission through itsmembers, game wardens, and other persons authorized by it in writing to sell licenses. Alien special licenses shall be issued only by the members of the commission, and resident shipping licenses shall be issued by members of the commission and by the collector of customs at the port of shipment. Application blanks for licenses *¤’°“°"“°““·°‘°· Shall be furnished by the commission and shall be in such form as the commission may by regulation determine; and each application