SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 81. 1924. 47 For compensation to watchmen, messengers, and laborers, $506,250. ,,’lf;j$m°¤» °*%m,,_ For temporary and auxiliary clerk hire and for substitute clerk ary. ¤¤<&¤b¤t1mw hire for clerks and employees absent with pay at first and second °1°rkS` class post offices and temporary and auxiliary clerk hire at summer and winter resort post offices as follows: Fiscal year 1924, $2,000,000; Fiscal year 1923, $543,76814. _ For miscellaneous items necessary and incidental to post offices M”°°"’“°°“’· of the first and second classes, $65,557. _ For pay of letter carriers at offices already established, including substitutes for letter carriers absent without pay, City Delivery Service, as follows: . Fiscal year 1924, $3,375,000; For fiscal year 1923, $192,57120. S be _ For pay of substitutes for letter carriers absent with pay, and mpg, °°ut°’°t°"°°”' of auxiliary and tempora letter carriers at offices where city delivery is already establisheld; as follows: ' Fiscal year 1924, $1,000,000; Fiscal year 1923, $$43,413.82. For fees to special-delivery messengers, fiscal year 1923, $59,336.03. Bmw °°""°" '°°'" For vehicle allowance, the hiring of drivers, the rental of ve- V°’“°*°°“°"°¤°°°· hicles, and the purchase and exchange and maintenance, including w°¤°°°°"*°° stable and garage facilities, of wagons or automobiles for, and the operation of, screen wagon and city delivepy and collection service, $400,000: Provided, That the Postmaster xeneral may, in his dis- §§,°,§Q'§g,,,,,_ bursement of this appropriation apply a part thereof to the leasing of quarters for the housing of Government-owned automobiles at a reasonable annual rental for a term not exceeding ten years. ormcn or snoorm Assrsrmrr POSTMASTER GENERAL. P,§°,;’§,‘l£,A(§§¤{,§“* For transportation of foreign mails by steamship, aircraft, or F¤¤¤i&¤¤¤¤¤¤ otherwise, $800,000. For balances due foreign countries, as follows: omlindtiqlx dm mm Fiscal year 1923, $515,350; Fiscal year 1922, $235,000. ormcn or rnmn Assrsram POSTMASTER onumun. ma,T*g*°{,°G*},;;$°m°*gf**P°°° For payment of limited indemnity for the loss of registered ar- ,,,§‘,j’,°,,,"j**,,§>’· *"°°'°°‘ ticles in the international mails, in accordance with convention stip- ` ulations, fiscal year 1921, $10,000. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. D°P°'**“°“*°‘S*’°°· iuzzmnr Aim rnorrncriox or AMERICAN SEAMEN. For relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, R¤1i¤f.¤¢¤-.¤fA¤¤=¤— including the same objects specified under this head in the Diplo- °°°°°°”°” matic and Consular Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1922, $4,311.31. ·mANsrox·r1Nc nnuams or DIPLOMATIC AND consumuz ormcmzs, ooNsU- mn Assrsranrs, Ann cmznxs T0 THEIR nouns ron ixrmnmnxr. For defra ing the ex nses of trans orting the remains of di lo- B ¤¤¤·¤ rv matic and cdynsular ofi'ic£iis of the Unitgd States, including the sgme objects specified underthis head in the Act makin appropriations for the Departments of State and Justice and for tie Judiciary for the fiscal year 1923, $1,675.74. 45822°-251*--6