756 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 85. 1925. ,u§;,°P°'°‘*'°°’¤°°d*‘ rectly or in cooperation with other departments of the Federal ` Government or with States, $25,000, to remain available until June 30, 1926. mlgepvmwt ¤f JM- DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE M1scm.LA1~moUs w§,*£r’f;§*gc,Si¤*°”°°°° Enforcement of acts to re§¤late commerce: For salary and exvoi. a4, n,é·zs; von. penses of assistant to the _ licitor General in representing the $g3;p‘v52{* $$,37*2]%; Government in all matters ar1sing_ under the Act entitled "A.n Act X°*· *3, P· ml V°’· to regulate commerce/’ approved ebruary 4, 1887, as amended, in- 'p` cluding traveling expenses, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, including salaries of employees in the District of Columbia, $500. i;)°x§2i,‘§.l‘$”dsB“'°‘ Pueblo Lands Board: For expenses of the Pueblo Lands Board, ·"‘“·P·°36· including compensation for member appointed by the President of the United States, and for clerical assistants, interpreters, and stenographers, rental of quarters, travel expenses, fees of witnesses, telephone and telegraph service, $19,500. J¤d*°*¤*· JUDICIAL U¤l*¢d Sum °°¤¤¤- `UNITED s·rA·ms comrrs Supplies- . The appropriation of $9 000 for su plies for United States Courts, ii°1»°i£°5?Ii•ia?¤°°' contained in the second deficiency Xct, fiscal year 1924, is hereby made available for the fiscal year 1925. Navy D°*’°'"“°“°‘ NAVY DEPARTMENT Na"] °"$°"*“°*’Y· Navar. onsnavyronr Fife ¤¤>¢¢¤**¤¤· For installation of eight-inch water mains for fire protection, $15,000. State Department. "{(g*¤g:ggy,gmul·f#¤l=· mrnnxarioxax. risumzms commission $*1******** ¢¤¤•>¤¤¤· For the share of the United States of the ex enses of the -"°-"·¤·'w· International Fisheries Commission, established under the treaty concluded March 2, 1923, for the period from November 1, 1924, to June 30, 1925, including salaries of two members and other employees of the commission, traveling and subsistence expenses (notwithstanding the provisions of existing law) purchasing of books, periodicals, furniture, and scientific instruments, contingent expenses, printing and binding, rent in the District of Columbia, and such other expenses as the President may deem proper, to be disbursed under _ the direction of the Secretary of State, $11,250. Electoral vote. PUBLISHING ASCERTAINMENT OF ELECTORS FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE rrmsmnxr jlgxpeusesor publish- _ Not exceeding $2,000 of the appropriation for printing and bind- Ann, pac-:. ing, Department of State, fiscal year 1925, shall be available to pay the expenses of publishing in compliance with the requirements of V¤l· 24» v 373- the act of February 3, 1887, the certificates of the final ascertainment; of the electors for the President and Vice President of the United Séages as transmitted by the executive of each State to the Secretary o tate.