SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 81. 1924. 49 this head in the Acts making appropriations for the Treasury Department for the following fiscal years, respectively: For 1922, $323.34; For 1923, $2,175.63; For 1924, $50,000. Recoinage of minor coins: To enable the Secretary of the Treas- ,,,,},S°°°‘”°g° °’ mlm ury to continue the recoinage of worn and uncurrent minor coins I of the United States now in the Treasury or hereafter received, and to reimburse the Treasurer of the United States for the difference between the. nominal or face value of such coin and the amount the same will produce in new coin, $15,000. PUBLIC DEBT SERVICE. P¤l>¤¤ Dm Service- Distinctive paper for United States securities: For additional ,,,,,,]’,f,*‘,§,i,”,,{,’_‘i"° *’°P°"°' amount necessary to complete the purchase of one hundred and t.A¤<¤¤,<>¤¤|, ,¤¤¤¤¤· seventy-three million two hundred and Efty thousand sheets of Esau ` United States currency, national—bank currency, and Federal reserve bank currency, including salaries of employees, transportation of paper, traveling, mill, and other necessary expenses, $276,827 .35. hmmm, em. During such period as it may be necessary to operate more than P*°Y°°¤¤¤'=h°¤¤°d· one mill for the manufacture of distinctive paper the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to employ temporarily such employees as may be necessary at rates of pay corresponding to those of the regular employees, the expenses of any such temporary employees to be a charge against the appropriation available for the distinctive paper then manufactured. cvsroms SERVICE. For collecting the revenue from customs, including the detection ,,,°§,}1?,,°fi“g °“‘°°’“S and prevention of fraud upon the customs revenue, as follows: Fiscal year 1923, $60,000; Fiscal year 1924, $1,110,000. FEPERAL FARM LOAN BUREAU. Bye? Fm For salaries of two additional members of the Federal Farm Loan m:g,j;g•f¤¤' B°•¤* Board, appointed under authority of the Act of March 4, 1923, v°i_,2,pp_m;;,;e;;~,_ fiscal year 1923, $4,055.57. _ Cm For traveling expenses of the members of the board and its oiii- “”‘°”°°“’°"’”‘ cers and employees; per diem in lieu of subsistence not exceeding $4; and contingent and miscellaneous expenses, including books of reference and maps, and exclusive of stationery and printing and binding, payable from assessments upon Federal an ]o1nt-stock land banks, $5,000. BUREAU or 11~rrE12NAL REVENTTE. I¤*¤'¤¤**°"°¤°°- To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to refnmd money covered ,,0’§*,_‘“““‘“g °°"°‘* into the Treasury as inte&‘111§—rc;$H1ig0g01é$é%I6% \111d€1‘ 1216 PPO- V¤!·35,p·320· visions of the Act a rove ay , , , _ . _ _ V Refunding taxes illiegally collected: For refunding taxes illegally wm,“:,d’,§,‘§,,_**'°¥“‘· eelleeted under the provisions of sectmns 3220 an 3689, Revised VOL42,p.3].4. Statutes, as amended bly the ticts of Pebxéuary 24,1919,Y=md ipgigl- Pm_,,,,_ ber 23, 1921 incluc mv e payméll 0 P1’101` GM S, R ’¤> C¤¤§¤2¤¤- $105,467 ,000: f’m»vided, That a report shall be made to Congress ufggiigtl; P·”“· "L of the disbursements hereunder as required by the Acts of February 24, 1919, and November 23, 1921.