sixTY.E1G1-ITH CONGRESS. sms. 11. GH. 87. 1925. 777 BOISE, mano, assay ormcn Amy emma. Salaries: For comdpensation of officers and employees, $6,340. B°'=¤·I<*¤¤·> For incidental an contingent expenses, $1,500. HELENA, Monraiu, Assay ormcn Salaries: For comgensation of officers and employees, $5,280. H°‘°"°· Mm"- For incidental an contingent expenses, $1,000. · NEW Yom: Assay OFFICE Salaries: For comdpensation of officers and em loyees, $260,000. N"' Y°"‘·N·Y· For incidental an contingent expenses, includling new machinery and repairs, wastage in_ the melting and refining department, and loss on sale of sweeps arising from the treatment of bullion, $90,000. sEA·1•rLE, wasmncroiv, Assay ormcn Salaries: For com ensation of officers and emplo ees $19,230. $•¤*¤¤· WM- . . 5) . Y > For incidental an contingent expenses, $6,000. nnanwoon, sotrru naxorm, assay ormcn Salaries: For comdpensation of officers and employees, $5,280. D°°d"°°d·¤· Di- For incidental an contingent expenses, $300. ’ sam LAKE crrx, man, assax ormcn Salaries: For compensation of officers and employees, $3,960. $¤‘*I·¤¥¤C*¢v»U¢¤*~ For incidental and contingent expenses, $300. PUBLIC BUILDINGS Public ¤¤¤¤i¤¤- ormcr. or sU1··E1zv1s1No ARCHITECT “§’t9g>g;,_*=§{=¤ Mm- _ Salaries: For the Su rvising Architect, and other personal serv- asgiiigiidsiidis nces in the District of (giilumbia in accordance with "The Classifica- "°'· non Act of 1923," $275,920. rrmmc BUILDINGS, coNs·mUc·rroN Ama RENT mgonstructicn, ma Birmingham, Alabama, post office and courthouse: For extension ,,.,E,i'.T$.,,,“*‘t‘“‘“,,,,,_' **1** of mailing platform and c anges in approaches, and miscellaneous mmor items, $25,000. _ _ New York pm _Brooklyn, New York, post office: For extension of toilet room and oma. ' miscellaneous changes incident thereto, $50,000. _ _ Chicago, Illinois, post office, courthouse, and_so forth: For renew- “‘·· P°“ ing part of downspouts, plumbing, and heating pipes, and work incident thereto, $75,000. _ Ellsworth, Maine, post office and customhouse: For construction M°·· lm of retaining wall, grading, extension, and repairs to driveway and Sldewalk, and so forth, $15,000. _ _ _ In _ vme K Louisville Kentucky, post office: For new conduit and w1r1ng sys- umm? · "·· *’°" EBID, and lighting fixtures, $25,000. _ M me Ah M Mobile, Alabama, customhouse and post office: For remodeling first ,,,,,,§,,,,,,'_ em " story, including mechanical equipment; lavatories in second story, $15,000. _ _ wm hm MM Saint Louis, Missouri, post office: For reconstruction and repairs mmm to skylights and roof, $25,000.