SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 87. 1925. 785 For car fare and bicycle allowance, including special-delivery C¤¤'=¤¤¤¤¤bi¤v¤1¤¤· car fare, $1,000,000. For pay of letter carriers, City Delive Service, $92,000,000. mfjgty d°“V¤*Y· ¤¤· For fees to special-delivery messengers,g7 ,600,000. sriecni delivery ees. For the transmission of mail by pneumatic tubes or other similar Pneumatic mms. devices in the city of New York, including the Borough of Brooklyn ig? Y°'k wd B‘°°k` of the city of New York, including power, labor, and all other operating expenses, $526,373. For vehicle allowance, the hiring of drivers, the rental of vehicles, d,‘,{$§}§‘;¥°0§}1,‘g:;§,$°° fg and the purchase and exchange and maintenance, including stable M ` and garage facilities, of wagons or automobiles for, and the operation of, screen-wagon and city delivery and collection service, $15,400,000; Provided, That the Postmaster General may, in his disbursement of this appropriation, ap ly a part thereof to the em. mug °[ gmm leasing of quarters for the housing of Gbvernment-owned automobiles at a reasonable annual rental for a term not exceeding ten years. For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, Office T*¤V¤i·¤¤=- of the First Assistant Postmaster General, $1,000. orrron or Tun snooivn ASSISTANT rosrrmnscrnn onivnnan P0§§¢<>m{;gmrA5:;i;;l¤¢ For inland transportation by star routes in Alaska, $170,000: Pro- gzgvutesiu Alaska. vided, That out of this appropriation the Postmaster General is Emesgéncy s.,,vi,,,_ authorized to provide difficult or emergency mail service in Alaska, including the establishment and equipment of relay stations, in such manner as he may think advisable, without advertising therefor. ‘ _ For inland transportation by steamboat or other power boat routes, ,0§,Q,§?mb°“‘· °*°-· including ship, steamboat, and way letters, $1,550,000. _ For inland transportation by railroad routes and for mail messen- mggfljggggfggis and ger Service, $112250,000; Provided, That not to exceed $1,500,000 of _ i this appropriation may be expended for pay of freight and incidental ana. mm °°"°y` charges for the transportation of mails conveyed under sgiecial arrangement in freight trains or otherwise: And provide ifurther, Mgggisgggvr service That separate accounts be kept of the amount expended or mail g` messenger service. For the operation and maintenance of the airplane mail service Airpnm service, between New York, New York, and San Francisco, California, via I§If,f:`,,,,,lQ§Y" °‘“’ S‘"’ Chicago, Illinois, and Omaha, Nebraska, and for the installation, ;,,,,,,,m,, m,__,,,gh, equipment, and operation of the Airplane Mail Service by night ¤Y*¤¢¤¢¤*i<>¤·¤=¢- flying, and to enable the department to make the additional charges for both night and day service on first-class mail matter, in accordance with existing law, including necessary incidental expenses and employment of necessary personnel, $2,600,000. _ _ Railway Mail Service: For fifteen division superintendents, fifteen ,0f“’1"'“" Mm S°"‘ assistant division superintendents, two assistant superintendents, one t€ggSt;¤¤;msuperi¤— assistant superintendent in charge of car construction, one hundred ’ ' and twenty-one chief clerks, one hundred and twenty-one assistant chief clerks, clerks in charge of sections in the offices of division Superintendents, railway postal clerks, substitute railway postal clerks, joint employees, and laborers in the Railway Mail Service, $49,500,00o. _ _ Tm ,1 an W t For travel allowance to railway postal clerks and substitute rail- d,,kS_ ° "“°“ ° my postal clerks $2.6757000- . Tm.r.. ..,. .. S For actual and necessary expenses, general superintendent and etc., awaygrrompirjiai assistant general superintendent. division superintendents. assistant °“°”°”· division superintendents, assistant superintendents, chief clerks, and assistant chief clerks, Railway Mail Service, and railway postal clerks. while actually traveling on business of the Post Office Department and away from their several designated headquarters, $62,000.