Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/818

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Srzss. II. Ch. 87. 1925. 787 supplies, and the manufacture, repair, and exchange of equipment, L¤**¤¤ *>¤¤¤¤· ¤¢¤· the erection and painting of letter-box equipment, and for the purchase and repair of presses and dies for use in the manufacture of letter boxes; for postmarking, rating, money-order stamps, and elec- B,j’°¤°¤¤ki¤K¤*¤¤P¤· trotype plates and repairs to same; metal, rubber, and combination ` type, dates and figures, type holders, ink pads for canceling and stamping purposes, and for the purchase, exchange, and repair of typewriting machines, envelope-opening machines, and computing machines, copying presses, numbering machines, time recorders, letter balances, scales, test weights, and miscellaneous articles purchased and furnished directly to the Postal Service; for miscellaneous ex- mfg? '°“‘°· °“’·• penses in the preparation and publication of post-route maps and ` rural-delivery maps or blue prints, including tracing for photolithographic reproduction; for other expenditures necessary and incidental to post offices of the first, second, and third classes, and offices of the fourth class having or to have rural-delivery service, and for letter boxes, $1,400,000; and the Postmaster General may authorize S"'° °'“‘“"s‘ the sale to the plublic of post-route maps and rural—delivery maps or blue prints at the cost of printing and 10 per centum thereof a ded; of this amount $1,500 may be expended in the purchase of atlases _ and geographical and technical works: Provided, That $200,000 of gm, ,0, ,,,,1,,, this appropriation may be used for the purchase of equipment and =¤¤¤¤ and furniturefurniture or post—office quarters and for no other purposes. _ For wrapping twine and tyin devices, $470,000. T‘T"“‘i·°*°· _ For defraying ex enses incident to the shipment of supplies, S°‘°""““ s""p]‘°°‘ including hardware, qnoxing, packing, and the pay of employees in P I connection therewith at the following annual rates: Store eeper, ” °‘ °'”°°’°°°` $2,650; foreman, $1,800; eleven requisition fillers, at $1,600 each; two requisition fillers, at $1,200 each; ten packers, at $1,600 each; §,w1vio$;éackers, at $1,200 each; and two chauifeurs, at $1,400 each; in , 9,800. _ _ . _ For rental, purchase, exchange, and repair of canceling machines ,,$r§’§”]§,'§m°§g,}“b°” and motors, mechanical mail-handling apparatus, and other laborsaving devices, including cost of power in rented buildings and miscellaneous ex nses of installation and operation of same, includ- H ml ing salaries of Bride traveling mechanicians and for per diem allow- ,,§T'° '“‘ '“°° ` ance of traveling mechanicnans while actually traveling on officml business away from their homes and their officxal domici es, at a rate go be fixed by the Postmaster General, not to exceed $4 per a $575 000. . lior the purchase, manufacture, and repair of mail bags and M°`1°°°°"°°kS’°t°` other mail containers and attachments, mail locks keys, chains, tools, machinery, and material necessary for same, and for incidental ex- E ui m at my penses pertaining thereto; also material,_machinery, and tools neces- ,,,,,,'§,,,‘{_ ,2, sary for the manufacture and repair in the equipment shops at Washington, District of Columbia, of such other equipment for the Postal Service as may be deemed expedient; for compensation to L°°°’· labor employed in the equipment shops at Washmgton, District of Columbia, $1,800,000, of which not to exceed $470,000 may ex- PMN pended for personal services in the District of Columbia: Provzdcd. Distiiictlve equip- That out of this appropriation the Postmaster General is authorized g¤,;¤$,;’¤r gggertggfgé to use as much of the sum, not exceeding $15,000, as may be deemed powexions. necessary for the purchase of material_and the manufacture m the equipment shops of such small quantities of distinctive equipments as may be required by other executive departments: and for service in Alaska, Porto Rico, Philippine Islands, Hawaii, or other island ssessions. _ _ , P0For inland transportation by star routes (excepting service m ,,,§{§{,,,,,f°“‘° ""“" Alaska), including temporary service to newly established offices, $12300,000.