SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHs. 148-150. 1925. · 813 preme Court of the United States by either arty; and jurisdiction I Mis MM i <>¤ is hereby conferred upon the said Court oi) Claims and the said °°m°"°d` Supreme Court of the United States to hear, determine, and enter judgment on any and all such claims. The said courts shall con- ,,0€§“i"°"‘“°“ "° sider all such claims de novo, upon a legal and equitable basis, and l without regard to any decision, finding, or settlement heretofore had inrespect of any such claims. ' If any claim or claims be submitted to said courts, they shall ,.,g{,‘§§“§0“§gi,§§‘§Qf,”b*° settle the rights therein, both legal and equitable, of each and all l parties thereto, notwithstanding lapse of time or statutes of limitation, and any payment which may have been made upon any claim so submitted shall not be pleaded as an estoppel, but may be pleaded as an ofset in such suits or actions. The claim or claims of said Pr°°ed"°' Delaware Tribe may be presented separately or jointly by petition, subject, however, to amendment, and the petition shall be verified by the attorney or attorneys employed by such Delaware Tribe under contract approved by the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in accordance with sections 2103 to 2105 of the United States Revised Statutes to prosecute their claims E . d . lmder this Act. Official letters, papers, records, documents, and ”d°”°°° mmm public records, or certilicate co ies thereof, may be used in evidence; and the departments of the (government shall give access to the attorney or attorneys of such Delaware Tribe to copies of such treaties, papers, correspondence, and records as may be needed by the said attorney or attorneys. ,, t Upon the final determination of the cause the Court of Claims b§Ali;($ig§y:r¤$°§m? °' shal decree such fees as may be deemed fair and reasonable for services rendered, to be paid to the attorney or attorneys, such fees not to exceed 10 per centum of the amount of the judgment recovered and in no event shall they exceed the sum of $25,000. and the same Ad t I shall be paid out of any sum or sums found due such tribe. Such c,,uS,,§?°°°m°° ° suit, suits, or causes shall be advanced on the dockets of the Court of Claims and by the Supreme Court of the United States if the same shall be appealed. Approved, February 7, 1925. F bruar 7, 1926. CHAP. 149.-An Act To amend section 2 of the Act of August 1, 1888 . (Twenty-:-ami Statutes at Large, page 357). ¥*’¤**"¤· N°· ai? Be it enacted by the Semzte and House of Representatives of the _ United States of America in Congress assemble , That section 2 of §?,’;{'ggf,§f;_§$§,fg,‘;;*g; the Act of August 1, 1888 (Twenty-fifth Statutes at Large, page ed. 357) be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: · " The clerks of the several courts of the United States shall prepare m;gQ¤§b$;m“*,g°‘{g¤é and keep in their respective offices complete and convenient in ices kepcbyciens. of all judgment debtors under decrees, judgments, or orders of said courts, and such indices and judgments shall at all times be open to the inspection and examination of the public.” Approved, February 7, 1925. Feb 7, 1025. CHAP. 150.—A¤ Act To amend section 128 of the Judicial Code, relating [$9162.] to appeals in eamimuy mee. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatigzes of the una.: smseaucs. United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 128 of p,§,§Y“" °°““ ° °*" §he_Judicia1 Code is hereby amended by adding thereto the fol- °dv¤,p.so4,¤me¤a- owmvz “In¤ all cases where an appeal from a final decree in admirlsgz to the circuit court of appeals is allowed by this section, an ap mes www ze.