Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/851

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820 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, Sess. II. Cas. 168-170. 1925. ,,"°*·38·P·5°°·8m°¤d· word “ reimbursable " occurring in the thirteenth line of said section B" 8 the words, “From tribal fimds of the Chippewa Indians," so that said Act shall read in part: “For the payment of high-school teachers at the White Earth Indian School, Minnesota, for instruction of children of the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota $4,000, or so much thereof as may necessary, said sum to be reimbursable from tribal funds of the Chippewa Indians, to be used under rules prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior." Approved, February 9, 1925. Fi?i;riuii?g%i;i?F` CHAP. 169.—An Act For the relief of the Omaha Indians of Nebraska. Publi ,No.386. gmk; ,,1,,,,,;,5 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Nm. _ United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is here- ,,,?"{,n°§§}*“C’§,’,‘§‘°Y,$ by authorized to be appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury C'***¤*° i°°¤¤“*¤*· not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $374,465.02é which represents interest at 5 per centum on principal sums foun due the Omaha V°r 1**- P- ****3- Indians under the treaty of March 16, 1854 (Tenth Statutes at V°'·“·P·°8°- kargp, page 1043) zh by decisgorrl 0%) the Court of Claims rendered pr·i 22 1918 in e case 0 the maha Tribe of Indians a ainst the Unitbd States, numbered 31002; and the Secretary of tl§e Inttgior isblgereby aluthqrbiged disburse the said amount pro rata to Pmim _ mem rs o the tri ent1 e thereto, under such rules and regu- Am-nm' rss as- latrons as he may prescribe: Provided That $5000 shall be d - °“°°°°‘ ducted therefrom and paid to the attorndys employed by the Omaliia Tribe under contract approved by the Acting Secretary of the Interior July 30, 1921, in full payment for services rendered under ¤¤¢¤¤¤¤¢¤¢ i¤f¤¤· contract : _P‘Q<g¤ic§;¢d11fz{)¢·tber,f"I&liat the amoun; herein authorized appropria s a e in set ement ll l f th name ersucnsm. Omaha Tribe of Indians against the United Staiiesc (zi. full and final release of any and all claims against the United States to date shall be executed by the Business Council of the Omaha Tribe and filed with the Indian Office. Approved, February 9, 1925, February 9,1928 _ii1.n. 1956:L___ CHAP. 170.—A A t T dth A I d" * um., it. 3..7., gg.,J;,c.§&p;§0ig,£:;§;$§g$§§§ri?a;§sgfZ§§§§}aiii0‘;}§`£fhi'Z°i‘§2‘§i“§’§§?‘§¥,‘3Z ,, im Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilo o [’ , t t' d$.§l{*2§?p.t£’23.itd. United sam of America in cmgqeige asieiiiziiijieiiiigijeihgfiilii ° ‘ entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply urgent cleficiences in the appropriations for the fiscal *ear ending June 30 19g9,"faphpr¢gre¢% Februaryl}9, 19109, aliniépdeflvpy agding after thai en o e rs pararap uner e 1 rt t" Coumm etc of neyyh paragraph to read as follows: B ar epa men a ¢m$i¤»p<»¤éd by-iégas at the taxes imposed by the Phili in L ° I t . t ""“'*’·'°g““‘°"· °‘°· numbereél 3065, zi,);;pro_;*ed March 16, 1923?Iixnd aciigiii1i1lib1erii%e<fn31‘9(g*», approve fovem r 2 1924 are hereby le al` d d ffi d the collection of all sudh taxes made undergorliiiy ailiithdiiity (bf, acts of the Philippine Legislature is hereby legalized, ratified, and confirmed as fully to all intents and purposes as if the same had by prior Act of Congress been specifically authorized and directed. Approved, February 9, 1925. . .