SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 200. 1925. 829 searches concerning the cause, modes of spread, and methods- of ,C·>¤¤;{*s•>¤¤ ¤b¤*¤¤¤ treatmlznt and prevention of the disease of contagious abortion of ° mm ' amma ; For investigating the disease of hog cholera, and for its control §§f§, °Q*g'§'°·H n or eradication by such means as may be necessary, including demon- dcmongnrauiiis, des' strations, the formation of organizations, and other methods, either independently or in cooperation with farmers’ associations, State or ,,,0,,80, county authorities, $431,363: Provided, That of said sum $235,995 Besulatins trade in shall be available for expenditure in carrying out the provisions of °°iiZ`iila`i:ri»`ii$?ziw` the Act approved March 4, 1913, regulating the preparation, sale, barter, exchange, or shipment of any virus, serum, toxin, or analogous product manufactured in the United States and the importation of such products intended for use in the treatment of domestic _ animals: Provided further, That of said sum $25,820 shall be avail- S§,f,‘,§,';f"°g‘°“’ ‘°‘ able for researches concerning the cause, modes of spread, and methods of treatment and prevention of this disease; _ _ _ For all necessary expenses for the investigation, treatment, and D°“““° °‘“‘l’°°“"“· eradication of dourine, $40,520; _ _ _ For general administrative work, including traveling expenses Ad’"f“""`°""°"°"‘· and salaries of employees engaged in such work, rent outside of the °““"‘°° '”"t‘ District of Columbia, office jixtures and supplies, express, freight, telegraph, telephone, and other necessary expenses, $24,226; In all, general expenses, $5,839,645. unazr INSPECTION M°°“““"°°"°"‘ For additional expenses in carrying out the fprovisions of the ·“‘””°“‘“ °"’°‘“°°"‘ Meat Inspection Act of June 30, 1906 (Thirty- ourth Statutes at v°l‘3*’°"‘°"’m°‘ Large, page 674), as amended by the Act of March 4, 1907 (Thirty- _ fourth Statutes at Large, page 1256), and as extended to equine meat E°;"”° m°“°‘ by the Act of July 24, 1919 (Forty-first Statutes at Large, page 241), V° """" m‘ including the purchase of tags, labels, stamps, and certificates printed in course of manufacture, $1,896,110. Total, Bureau of Animal Industry, $8,385,156, of which amount Som 1 mm not to exceed $625,787 may be expended for personal services in the ma. M ° District of Columbia. BUREAU or DAIRYING °°""""’“'°°“· sanarum For chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of suiizgin md °m°° mt Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, and for personal services in the field, $74,250. onxnmxn nxrniwsns, BUREAU or r>AmY1No G°“°"‘l°'°°"”°s‘ For ca. inv out the rovisions of the Act approved May 29, d¤ii·l;iiit<ig¤i¤tii¤?y¤i'°t°"°l 1924, establishing a Buresiii of Dairying, for salaries in the city of ‘""""m‘ Washington and elsewhere, and for all other expenses necessary, including repairs and additions to buildings absolutely necessary to carry on the experiments, for conducting investigations, experi- ¤}€Hts, and demonstrations in dairy indust , cooperative investigations of the dairy industry in the various States, and inspection of renovated butter factories, $410,090. Swim in me ms, Total, Bureau of Dairying, $84.340, of which amount not to me:. exceed $248,470 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia.