SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sass II. Ch. 200. 1925. 841 onisnnan nxrniwsns, BUREAU or moLoc1cA1. sunvmr G*>¤¤¤~*¤¤r>¤¤¤¤¤· For salaries and employment of labor in the city of Washington e,§mP1<>Y¤¢¤· =¤1>¤1i¢¤· and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, including the purchase of bags, ' tags, and labels printed in the course of manufacture, traveling and all other expenses necessary in conducting investigations and carry- ing out the work of the bureau, as follows: For the maintenance of the Montana National Bison Range and gQ§,*§°"°“°¤¤ '¤* other reservations and for the maintenance of game introduced into suitable localities on public lands, under supervision of the Biological Survey, including construction of fencing, wardens’ quarters, shelters for animals, landings, roads, trails, bridges, ditches, telephone lines, rockwork, bulkheads, and other improvements necessary for the eco- _ nomical administration and protection of the reservations, and p,§§§§$§_§f°“ °' bm for the enforcement of section 84 of the Act approved March 4, V°'· 35· P- 1104- 1909, entitled “An Act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws _ of the United States," $58,215: Provided, That $2,500 may be used §',‘f,".§$g ,0, pu,. for the purchase, capture, and transportation of game for national “"”°s· reservations: Provided further, That $12,000 may be used for the m§d"§’,{§, Hm 1**** construction of a highway through Sullys Hill National Park and in ` the construction thereof the chief of the Bureau of Biological Survey may cooperate with the Bureau of Public Roads; N th For investigating the food habits of North American birds and baairaad ¤q1iiiiii¤°ii°°° other animals in relation to agriculture, horticulture, and forestry; g,,{Q§°,,§,§§,‘f‘“ *'“'°’“‘ for investigations, experiments, and demonstrations in connection ‘with rearing fur—bearing animals; for experiments, demonstrations, t0}>¤:g,•gg¤I§ ¤r¤d¤·- and cooperation in destroying mountain lions, wolves, coyotes, bob- Y ` cats, prairie dogs, gophers, ground squirrels, jack rabbits, and other animals injurious to agriculture, horticulture, forestry, animal husbandry and wild game; and for the protection of stock and other suppmssmgnbia. dopplestic aningls through the suppression of rabies in predatory wi animals, 533,290; For biological investigations, including the relations, habits, geo~ ¤£i,‘?l°°°"l i'"°""“` graphic distribution, and migration of animals and plants, and the preparation of maps of the life zones, $29,455; Mmm bird For all necessary expenses for enforcing the provisions of the mam. °ry P"` Migratory Bird Treaty Act of July 3, 1918 (Fortieth Statutes at V°"‘°·"‘"”’· Large, page 755), and for cooperation with local authorities in the protection of migratory birds, and for necessary investigations con- _ nected therewith, $149,345:Pr0*v12led, That of this sum not more than §°{§$*§§;,,, Sm ,,,,,,, $20,500 may be used for the enforcement of sections 241, 242, 243, and °'g{3¤§g*§§Q}§§§ig3¢g 244 of the Act approved March 4, 1909, entitled “An Act to codify, C _' _ revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States," and for the km§Q’“Q,,§,€_ 'H°“"“’ enforcement of section 1 of the Act approved May 25, 1900, entitled, "°‘·*”·P· “"· "An Act to enlarge the powers of the Department of Agriculture, prohibit the transportation by interstate commerce of game killed H1 Violation of local laws, and for otlgar purposes,” including all necessary investigations in connection therewit ; . I, I For investigations, experiments, and demonstrations for the wel- iiiyiiiiwviiinmcuuy, fare, improvement, and increase of the reindeer industry in Alaska, °°$a,,_,,, p_ mh including the erection of necessary buildings and other structures and €00peration with the Bureau of Education, and for the enforcement Vol 327 of Section 1956 of the Revised Statutes as amended so far as it relates ‘3°’ °` ° to the protection of land fur-bearing animals in Alaska, ilicludlllg Protection Mmm {1€¢€SSary investigations in connection therewith, and for carrylug Vol.35,p.102. ' into effect the Act entitled "A11 Act for the protection of game in Alaska, and for other purposes," approved May 11, 1908, as amended W W lé5;)¢he Ac; approved June 7, 1924 (Public Reso ution 34, Sixty-eighth A "‘ ' Dgress , 85,095;