SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 200. 1925. 843 all other necessary expenses, for conducting investigations and experiments, and for collating, reporting, and illustrating the results of same, and for preparing, publishing, and distributing bulletins Amo and reports, as fol ows: Provided, That no part of these appropria— Ro¤d—¤3aki¤: mntions s all be expended for the rent or purchase of road-making ma- °m°°” ”'"'°°°°‘ chinery, except such as may be necessary for Held experimental work as hereinafter provided for; For inquiries in regard to systems of road management and eco- Engg; ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤F nomic studies of highway construction, operation, maintenance, and m ' value, either independently or in cooperation with the State highway departments and other agencies, and for giving expert advice on these subjects, $61,350; For investigations of the best methods of road makin , especially 6,cMg,*;s#{§é¤u°¤,;’¥¤¤· by the use of local materials; for studying the types ofg mechanical " ` p ants and appliances used for road building and maintenance; for studyin methods of road repair and maintenance suited to the needs og different localities; for maintenance and repairs of experi- w£,?°'im°¤*°* ***8*** mental highways, including the purchase of materials and equip- ` ment; for furnishing expert advice on these subjects; and for the employment of assistants and labor, $82,951; _ _ _ For investigating and reporting upon the utilization of water ,,,,€,°§';,,‘,§{,§“°“·°‘”" in farm irrigation, including the best methods to apply in practice; the diiferent kinds of power and appliances; the How of water in ditches, pipes, and other conduits; the duty, apportiomnent, and measurement of irrigation water, the customs, regulations, and laws affecting irrigation; for investi ating and re orting upon farm ,,£m"{,"f,‘§,}’d,,°{,,,,‘“'“" drainage and upon the drainage 0% swamp and other wet lands which · may be made available for agricultural purposes; for preparing plans for the removal of surplus water by drainage; for the development of equipmment for farm irrigation and drainage and for giving expert advice and assistance; for Held ex eriments and investigations and the purchase and installation of equipment for experimental pur oses; for the pre aration and illustration of reports and , bulletins; fldr investigating farm domestic Water supply and drain- p1;?°1il°:£°v{3ii5ii,`}$i; age disposal, the construction of farm buildings and other rural °°¤$°’¤°°*°¤·°*°· engineering problems involving mechanical principles, including the erection of such structures outside of the District of Columbia as may be necessary for experimental purposes only; for rent out- Outside rem. side the District of Colum ia; the employment o assistants and labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere; and for supplies and all other necessary expenses, $207 ,170. S The Secreta of Agriculture is authorized to expend not to ex- ,m`§Y°l"’ "' °"’l°' Geed $15,000 olly the administrative fund provided y the Federal ,g,§”,‘,“{,§’,‘;j*Q,';B°'· '°' Aid Road Act of July 11, 1916, as amended, for supervising the Vol. 42. p. 217.. preparation, distribution, and use of picric acid, trinitrotoluol, trojan powder, and such other surplus war explosives as may be made available for use in clearing stumps and stones from agricultural land, independentl or in cooperation with agricultural colleges and other agencies, ang for investigating and reporting ulplpn the p,,,,,,,,_ 1‘6Sults obtained from the use of the explosives: Provided, at ex· m*¥“$l%?:;mP;;*g”°m penditures hereunder shall be reimbursed to the administrative fund ` by charge to other Federal activities, agricultural colleges, or other agencies to which the explosives are distributed; _ For general administrative expenses connected with the above- “·,§,*},s';‘,{°*"'“"'° mentioned lines of investigations and experiments, $14,935; In all, general expenses, $366,406. _ i nm Db Total, Bureau of Public Roads, $484,964, of which amount not t,-;S£"°“ ° to_ exceed $211,754 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia.