Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/877

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846 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 200. 1925. Agiwwd C°"m°°' ENFORCEMENT OF THE s·rANnAnn CONTAINER ACT p,E,‘,§,{]"°°”°°“° °" To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the Act V°‘·“°· P- °”- entitled "An Act to fix standar s for Climax baskets for grapes and other fruits and gegetableshalnd tewfix standgrds forbpasketel apd other containers or small its rries an ve eta es an or other pprposlesf approveg August 31, including zlie employ- ment o suc persons an means as the cretary o gricu ture may deem necessary in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $5,000. W°°1°“p °tm8‘ cournmroiv or- woor. wom: u¢ii¤°l$t°ii.ii°g¤$i°§Ql}°°S} To enable the Bureau of Agricultural Economics to complete the ‘°°“"’ °°“°°“d· work of the Domestic Wool Section of the War Industries Board and to enforce Government regulations for handling the wool clip of 1918Eas establishleél by1thedWool Dligision of said boapd, pursuant to the xecutive o er ate Decem r 31 1918 trans erring such work to the said bureau, $11,290, and to cdntinue, as far as practicable the distribution among the growers of the wool cli of 1918 of all sums heretofore or hereafter collected or recovered) with or without suit by the Government from all persons, firms, or corporations which handled any part of the wool clip of 1918. C°°°°°M"k°°'D’C' crmrmz MARKET, DISTRICT or coLUumA agg£°Ai¥i$>¤li»$`»7§`:si°°°` Operation and Management: To enable the Secretary of Agri- V°‘·*‘·*’·‘“‘· culture, in carrying out the provisions of the Act of March 4, 1921 (Forg-first Statutes at Large, page 1441), to pay for ice, electricity, gas, _ el, travel, stationery, prurtmg, telegrams, telephones, labor, supplies, materials, equipment, rmscellaueous expenses, necessary re- Pmim pairs and alterations, to reimbursed by any person for whose xgurcnasgstroré wail- account any such expenditure may be made: Provided, That the gtmlfiilimm aiiutisiip Y Secretary of Agriculture may purchase necessary supplies and equipment for use at Center Market, without regard to awards made by General Supply Committee; to continue the employment of the necessary persons under the conditions m existence at the time of the

 §3l§i.”%h2Y§.§ iJ§‘r20*}r$£°£2y¤?£ytii$.aS‘E§$§2E’£y°ftAg’ i°“’3“‘"°’ F 1*3

_ · 0 provide a un for the payment of freight, express, dra age, and other charges and claims against the commodities acceptedy for storage, and to require reimbursement thereof with interest at the rate of 6 per centum per annpem uréder such ruleqlas thqhSecreta1éy of Agpiculpure may prescri an o remove se or o erwise ispose 0 suc c d t' held ais security for duch ,payment when such reimburmrhglritldsldgi made when due, all reimbursement of such payments and all receipts from such disposition of commodities to be credited to such fund and to be reexpendable therefrom; and to use such other means as the Secretary of Agriculture may and necessary for the proper occu- PWM gapncy and use the Government and 1tS tenants of said property, cnasms mr mage 116,000: Prov ed That not more than $000 ma be used for the ’°“ °' "“"‘“°· papment oéiclzims {or the loss of or damage to goods while in storage $118 (entert_ ardet t apt éiavelacgrued or ms? accrue at any time during . h pep; ¥)1;’ul?eq>l ay; e ecretary jg) AgI‘1C11ltl1I‘e in accordance wit su e a io s s e may rescribe. Swim in the Djs. Total, Bureau of Agricultural) Economics, $4,738,056, of which ma. amount not to exceed $1,7 92,498 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia.