856 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, Sess. II. CHS. 201,203. 1925. good will or any other intangible element shall not be considered _ m determining the amount to be paid. ,,,A°°°°l§,°,,,'ff’"it°tl°1 Either the association or the purchaser may appeal to the Supreme gmm Court of the Territory of Hawaii from the decision of such commission by filing a written notice of appeal with the commission within five days after the decision is ren ered. It shall thereupon be the duty of the commission immediately to certify up to the supreme court the record of its roceedings, showing in such certificate the valuation claimed by the association, the value claimed by the purchaser, and the valuation as determined by the commission. Such certificate shall be accompanied by copies of all papers, documents and evidence u on which the decision of the commission was based, and a copy of) such decision. Upon any such appeal, the supreme court may, in its behalf, take or_require further evidence F t B to be introduced by either party and the said court shall have power um1ae:erm1¤‘ii’ii.i°¤i°a$a to confirm, decrease, or increase the said award. Within six months ¥’°""°"* °'¥"i°°· after the final determination of the purchase price as aforesaid, the same shall be paid to the association, and thereupon the franchise granted hereby shall cease and determine, and all the propert of said association shall become the property of such purchaser without any further conveyance, but said association shall make all further conveyances as may be desired by the urchaser and approved by said commission or said court on appeal}? ·*"‘°’“*¤*¤¤*· Src. 16. The Congress of the United States may at any time alter, amend, or repeal this Act. Approved, February 10, 1925. February 11, 1925.
CHAP. 203.-An Act To provide for the inspection of the battle Eelds of the
[Public- N0-392-I siege of Petersburg, Virginia. Be it enacted by the Senate amt House of Representatives of the ,k,P§,°fd'§i°“'g'V“"b°°` United States of America in Congress assembled, That a commis- C°mm*$si°“°"”*°d· sion is hereby created, to be composed of the following members, Am E _ {_ who shall be appointed bg the Secretary of War; am Y "““‘°°' ° _‘ (1) A commissioned officer of the Corps of Engineers, United United States Civil btates ’ · ,· , wm,-,,,m,,_ (2) A veteran of the Civil War, who served honorably in the com d t SM military forces of the United States; and civ11xi·si-r2$a°iam¤.a "S (3) A veteran of the Civil War, who served honorably in the Qmmmu I _ military forces of the Confederate States of America. mission, °“"‘° °°m Seo. 2. In appointing the members of the commission created by section 1 of this Act the Secretary of War shall, as far as practicable, select persons familiar with the terrain of the battle fields of the siegle of lzeffersburg, Virginia, and the historical events associate ·t erewi . ,,,,I°i_.§§,§§{}§{§§;§"‘?,{°¥;,‘;f,E _S1·;c: 3. It shall be the duty of the commission, acting under the gg;y(};¤l¤%tu·g}g·,c£r his- direction of the Secretary of War, to inspect the battle elds of the ' siege of Petersburg, Virginia, in order to ascertain the feasibility of reserving and marking for historical and professional military study such fields. The commission shall submit a report of its findin%s to the Secretary of WVar not later than December 1, 1925. mA;¤g:§;& aurhvrized m, 4. There is authorized to be appropriated, out of any money ' in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $3,000 in order to carry out the provisions of this Act. Approved, February 11, 1925.