64 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 82, 84. 1924. Ay[>ri13,1924· CHAP. 82.-A11 Act To detach Jim Hogg County from the Corpus Christi
division of the southern judicial district of the State of Texas, and attach the
[P“bk°’ N°‘ G7'] same to the Laredo division of the southern judicial district of said State. T dj Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives qi the d8;@Z{{th°m]° United States of America in Congress assembled, That Jim oig u_£g}m§{g¤§r01$1°'§J°jQf County of the Corpus Christi division of the southern d1str1ct of t_e vuuibristi to Laredo State of Tegas be, arid the same 18 hereby, detached from the said dihgiimhc. p. mv, Corpus Chmsti division and attached to and made a part of the ‘*m°¤d°d· Laredo division of the southern district of said State. Approved, April 3, 1924. fligigtisigegif CHAP. 84.-An Act Making appropriations for the Treasury and Post
s§I" Office Departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, TITLE I—TREASURY DEPARTMENT. mQ°n't°°‘ap"p,’°pI§§§§{S¥' The following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropmated, for the Treasury Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, namely: S°°'°“”"“ °m°°· orrrcrn OF um SECRETARY. S°°*f°°'Y· _ Salaries: Secretary of the Treasury $12000· U d t f d1:·§sp%i;¤m¤i¤ilry and the Treasury, tp be nominated by the ’Presideni; mild Bgiixggizoriiniiielilv gy ‘ him, hy and ynth the adv1ee and consent of the Senate, who shall herearter receive compensation at the rate of $10,000 per annum and hereafter shall perform such duties in the office of the Secretary of the R S sec m 28 Treasury as may be prescribed by the Secretary or by law, ungl under - ·· · ·P· · the prmt1sions of section l77, RGV1S€d Statutes, in case of the death, resignation, absence, or smkness of the Secretary of the Treasury, Assistant smtmw hereafter shall perform the duties of the Secretary until a successor is and umu ummm appointed or sxrch absence or sickness shall cease, $10,000; three As- S1§t&\.Ilt Secretaries of the Treasury, and other personal services in the ‘ District of Columbia in accordance with “The Classification Act of §{lqh»r?g.1imtcd to 1923,’{ $456,280; in all, $178,280: Prqvyed, That in expending apg§;i%m§:;wAda¤d“ ¥r0pr1ations or portions of appropnations, contained in this Act, v°,_,2_p_m8_ .OI‘ the payment_fo1;‘pers0nal services m the District of Columbia 11% alicordlange with The Classification Act of 1923," the average o the sa ar1es_ of the total number of persons under any grade or class thereof in any bureau, office, or other appropriation unit · _ shall not at any time exceed the average of the compensation rates cI_;·g_1_¤gr;rgm¤l{<;c;gspec1Hed for the grade by such Act: Provided, That this restric- 56;,:,;,Sal · t tion shall not apply (1) to grades}, 2, 3, and 4 of the clericaldmgx ¤¤¢¤ ¤<> r¢· mechanical service, or (2) to reqmre the reduction in salary of any gerson whose compensatiorris Hxecl, as of July 1, 1924, in _ accor ance Wlth the rules of sect1o11 6 of such Act, or (3) to prem{’;vp=§i$;§¤n_:{_¤¤¤= vent the payment of a salary under any grade at a rate higher than the:i1:{)1axi11¥;1m gate of the grade when such higher rate is permit e y e assification Act of 1923 " d ' authorized by other law. ’ an is Specifically Chief C1erk’s Office. OFFICE OF CHIEF I K' C*“°'°*$’k md °m°° Salaries: For the chief clerk who shall be th h` f ' pmomi officer of the department and who may be designate; li; tliiicglggvei