Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/981

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950 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 265-267. 1925. rebruerylsms CHAP. 265.-—An Act To amend section 4044 of the Revised Statutes, as ,P§il?&`,“*£4» amended Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re resentatives of the §'j°*,§Bg;‘°°4b“’ v_ United States of America in Congress assemblezi That section 4044 wg, sméngm-, of the Revised Statutes, as amended, is amended to read as follows: ,,,d§“$§£§'g&,m°”Y' “It shall be the duty of postmasters at Host offices authorized to °,,Y°’·”· P- ”·¤’“°¤d‘ issue money orders to render to the comptro er, Bureau of Accounts, Post Office Department, quarterly,.monthly, semimonthly, weekly, semiweekly, or daily account, of all money orders issued and pai , of all ·fees received for issuing them, of all transfers and payments made from money-order funds, and of all money received to be used £or_the payment of money orders or on accoimt of money-order usmess. Approved. February 18, 1925. F°i’{£°£g36d¥§' CHAP. 208.-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasurgato remove

 the quarantine station now situated at Fort Morgan, Alabama, to nd Island,

near the engirsncea the port of Mobile, Alabama, and to construct thereon a new quarau e s ion. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0 the ¤x¤b¤¤.Al•.¤¤¤m¤- United States of America in 0'ongress assembled, That the &<>resns mi sua mms tary of the Treasury be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to ‘°"°“’°d‘°‘· cause to be constructed on a site now owned by the United States glovlernment on Sand} Island, neg; tgp ergzranoe of {lhs pq: of liipclililgei a ama oronsuc siteont ° an asmay erea rbe to the Uriited States by- the State of Alabama, a quarantine station wC¤st aigtcrized for at a cost for station, dredging, and all other improvements and "”°°° appurtenances provided forby this Act not exceeding $300,000, which amount is here y authorized to be appropriated out of any money in ,0,-g<;·_=ggs¤¤;,<;•éd<;jyl¢i{,{g tlhe Treasuryhnotbothjpzllrlwpilm appgppriatiedt; and the Sielcrepary og the ¤ reasury is ere y er au orize o accept the or an on am behalf of the United States to such additional lands on Sand Island as may be ceded by the State of Alabagia to glue United States for use as a nationa quarantine station as a oresai . rmmua 1 s- Sec. 2. That the said quarantine station shall include such wharves “°°“* °°°'°”";•:”*?‘:r°· bulkheads buildings and equipment, water supply, electric-lightiné systeip, telgphonia pabée, heatin§ and sewage ?’stems, ang the dredging o a c anne ea ing to the propose w arves an such other facilities as may be deemed necessary by the Secretdry of the mt ,m_, ,, ury for the proper operation of a quarantine station: Proveded mg?. That $40,000 of the amount herein authorized to be appropriated ‘°‘m’ mag be used for miscellaneous furnishing and eqtgpment. pgglanggnr nm dis; ipc. 3. That thef Secregary of theh'g·easury , and is hereby, mam authorized` to trans er an remove suc rniture, equ1pment articles, mm- u rm and materials as may be useful in the construction and ’uipment of the new quarantine station at Sand Island, Alabamafiirom the quarantine station now maintained at Fort Moggan, Alabama, and make such disposition of the buildings site an equipment at Fort Mq:·egan,:hAli1)l;ama, at suchfti?e(;nd ori such terms as he may deem to to e st interests o the overnment. Approved, February 19, 1925. Fciyxgiaiziisiiieiizsh CHAP. 267 .—An Act Authorizing the Secretary of Commerce to ac uire, by (Public, Nana.] condemnation or otherwise, a certain tract of land in the District of (golumbia for the enlargement of the present site of the Bureau of Standards. Re it enacted by the and House of Representatives of the D*¤¤*,,¤*g{§¤*¤=¤, W, Z/mted States of America cn Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce be, and he is hereby, authorized to acquire,