1992 INDEX. Adjusted Compensation (see World War P¤z¤- Admissions and Dues, Taz on, Title V, Pm _ Adjusted Compensation Act). Revenue Act of 1924—Continued. Adjusted Service Certgtieate Fund, tax on sales of tickets at other than box appropriation for, scal year 1926 . 1212 office exceeding established price- 320 deficiency appropriation for amount to- 682 at box office in excess of regular created in the Treasury .. 128 rates ________________________ 320 annual appropriations authorized for, additional on box holders, etc .. 320 from 1925 to 1946 . 128 to roof gardens, cabarets, etc ... 321 determination of amount; interest no tax levied, if proceeds for benefit of allowed .. 128 religious, charitable, etc., into be set aside on first day of the stitutions _..._._..___ 321 calendar year . 128 glreventingfruelty to children, etc-- 321 limit on amount for 1925 .. 128 ational uard, and other military, moneys in, to be invested in United etc., organizations ,... 321 States securities; sale of for municipal fire, police, etc., departfund authorized ..,... 128 ments ____,__________________ 321 interest, etc., added to fund 128 agricultural fairs, etc.;conditions 321 (payments authorized from ... 128 charges for seats, tables, etc., in· A justed Service Credits, World War, cluded as admissions .. 321 appropriation for payment of, not more price, etc., to be rinted on tickets-- 321 than $50 each 1212 penalty for violliitions 321 for installments of, due to dependents tax levied on dues, etc., exceeding $10 a of veterans- ---... 1212 year of social, etc., clubs; initia~ Adjutant General’s Department, Army; tion fees -----------.---.----- 321 appropriation for contingencies, ead- exemption of fraternal lodges, etc-- 322 quarters of military depart- life membership payments -----.--- 322 ments, etc -------.--------- 480, 894 collection by receivers of; returns and for, additional, 1925 .--- - ---------- 711 payments -------------------- 322 Adjutant General’s Office, War Department, in effect in 30 days -----------,--.--- 322 appropriation for civilian personnel-- 480, 895 Adulterated Folds, Drugs, etc., - deficiency appropriation for salaries- - - 761 appropriation for expenses, preventing for administrative expenses, World sale, etc., of -------------.-- 447, 837 War Adjusted Compensation--- 1344 for detection of, in District of Co- Admiralty, lumbia -.------ - ----.--.--- 563, 1237 interlocutory decrees in, may be ap- Advertising, D. C., pealed to circuit courts of ap- appropriation for general -----.---- 544, 1221 peals ---------.-------------. 813 or notices of taxes in arrears-- 544, 1221 proceeding in district court not deficiency apprcgnriation foi* -------- 674, 679 stgyed; exception ------------- 814 Aerial Surveys of ivers and Harbors Admiralty auses, per diem allowance to Army, Navy, suits ainst United States for damages and Marine Corps for -------.- 1191 alby public vessels or for salvage Aerological Stations,` services, allowed -------------- 1112 appropriation for maintenance, etc., venue of action; lprocedure --------- 1112 of -------------------.----- 437, 826 cross libel, etc., al owed owner of pri- Aeronautic Engineering, vate vessel in suit against by appropriation for standardizing appa- United States for damages --.-- 1112 ratus, etc., used in- --------- 231, 1041 security to be given by respondent- - 1112 Aeronautics, National Advisory Committee restriction on subpoenaing officer or . for, crew of public vesse in connec— appropriation for expenses ------.. 527, 1206 tion with suit, ---_-----_-_---- 1112 for printing and binding -------- 527, 1206 suits by nationals of foreign govern- for salaries, additional, 1925 .-.---- 705 ments allowed only if similar deficiency appropriation for --.------- 55 privileges given Americans in Aeroplanes, Navy (see Aviation, Navy). courts of the country- .. ------.- 1113 Africa, East, authority of Attorney General to arbi- treaty and protocol with Belgium retrate, compromise, etc., claims lating to rights in Mandate of -- 1863 on which libel filed ----.------- 1113 Agreements, _ payment authorized of final judgment extending arbitration convention with rendered on settlement agreed France ... 1743 upon ____-_----------------._ 1113 with Great Britain ..-. 1695 no lien against a public vessel recog- with Japan .. L 1757 nized ___________----_-------- 1113 with Netherlands --------- 1754 benents to United States of all ex- with Norway . 1746 emptions, etc., accorded vessel parcel post, with Great Britain and owners, etc ___- _ __-------, - - - , 1113 Northern Ireland .-..-..--..-- 1854 ‘ report to Congress of all judgments, with Netherlands East India .----.- 1717 etc ___--_--_----_-----------, 1113 relating to Pacific Islands of Japan -.-- 1652 Admissions and Dues, Tax on, Title VIII, Agricultural Census, 1925, Revenue Act of 1921, appropriation for expense oftaking,etc- 228 repealed by Revenue Act of 1924 .--- , 352 Agricultural Conference, Admissions and Dues, Taz: on, Title V, deficiency appropriation for expenses-- 754 Revenue Act of 1924, Agricultural Credits Act, 1923, ° tax payable on admissions to theaters, time extended for final report of Joint etc ___,_-__-------. - -------.. 320 Committee on Federal Reserve exemption if 50 cents or less .---.. 320 4 System, created under --------- 4 is