INDEX. 2013 Baker, Anna E. (daughter), l P¤8¤— Barberry Bushes, , P°8°· pension 1452 appropriation for destroying, etc., orig- Baker, Carrie (widow), inating vegetable rust spores-- 442, 831 pension increased- - -* ... - 1485 Barger, Catherine (mother), Baker Irrigation Project, Oreg., pension ... - 1412 appropriation for maintenance, etc., Barium Dioxide, of - ... 418, 1168 proclamation increasing duty on, to Baker, Linda A. (widow), equglizteodiiferences in costs of 1951 , · ____________________________ 1498 ro uc 1 n .. - Bailciriilfltilathew, Barker, lihsamond éwidow), 1424 pension ____________________________ 1384 pension increase ______,, - ... Baldwin, Azioo . (widow), Barnaele, Jahn H-, pension ii ased .. - 1488 Pnnsion-- r ——--—-- q --———--·----——·-- 1404 Bdzl, Edith M. (daughter), Barnard, Alice M- (wana), poooioo _..____._._._...,. .. . 1442 pe¤¤r¤¤ -------. _ .------------------- 1480 Ballard, Anna (widow), Barnes, Etta S. (widow), pension ._.. 1457 Pnnslnn ---—--—-———-——--—-·--—-----— 1475 Ballinger, Marg1_·(widow), Barnee, Iehrnael Jp _ _ pension inerep_sed_ __________________ 1489 patents anthonzed for original and Balloon Sehoorel Army, additional homestead entries of -- 1602 appropriation for expenses of main- Barnee, M al`!} B- (widow): _ tainin , etc . 491, 906 Pension —--------—-—--—-----—------- 150* Baltimore and ghie Railroad Company, Barnes; Reey J- <daaahler>, one-half of cost of subway of 'an Bu- Pension ---- y —-—- _ --—---------------- 1 500 ren Street, Districnpf Columbia, Baggggbgeleelw (widen), IW under tracks of . etropolitan -----—-— q --·----—-—--—----—- · Brooch, to be poid by .d...,._. 1097 Barnett, Isabelle (agian), W, Balllnwre, Md-, BaI;-$1l;?;0IM3cr??US§d0;3- ““‘'’‘‘'```°’' ` appropgzgggig for immisrmm {Milan, 79 pensnm ing.enSed___: ________________ 1,,J,, for marine hospital. i@easing B°£g;t£€e%°;$g_ validated 3,, pjster supply Sud 6V? PYOPQC" .,9 ¢¢Bar0n B¢Tw,ick’yryBT£li8h Sze“m£';;£’---·` ` IOII . .- .,.,.- 4 . . . .’ . , ‘‘‘"‘‘ i ‘ ‘ 1 .· Great Britain as indemmt y for marine hospital, improvements _ - 78 payment to . . _ for quarantine station, storehouse- - - i'78 t° cgwuer °f’ for °°um°° dem 158,2 intracoastal barge line to be reestab- Barr Ediggrd"-; '''‘‘'’'‘‘'‘‘‘' ' lished between, and North Caro- pension ’·7 °’ H4? lina ports .. . - 1255 B k "a ‘··*····· A ··············· land in San Juan, P. R., conveyed to armc 8 qu ·Quart"8’ rmy’ - Federal Land Bank of; descrip· 977 "‘Pp’°P{},§Q°;‘tcf°’ st°r°h°us°s’ mm:88 903 ion ----,--.-..-------- . -..-- · ’ '‘’`' ’ one customs appraiser authorized at, avgiagaigg ‘£%:fcBnég8'm'ge8’ etczgg 903 weed of me ee f¤¤¤·=r*y —---· 819 for oiioiio, in do pim {oa; ‘```` tad an preliminary examination, etc., of, hare - · pp '‘‘‘ f‘ ’ rentals, etc., in China ...-. - ..-. 488 903 bor and channels to be made--, 1193 for additional 1925 ’ 711 B _____________ 1398 deieienay apprapriatiangpréééspéi$62 lggb Bangkok Siam ’ ’ ’ appropriation for interpreter to con- Barr;$lrf£3$l(éa?;;tad§f851;(?s `' '’ 59 it Bulate gencml at ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 207* 1016 preliminary exzitmination, etc., of, to Bank Accounts, be made _____________________ 1192 collection of internal revenue tax by Bar,-egg, Low; (gon), dlSl'i1`8lIll'» of . .. .. ---- pension _______ ______________________ Bankhead, Colonel Henry M., Army, Bayrick, John M_ (son), 1'€l1¤bU1‘S€¤1€11l? ta ----------------··· 1552 pension increased _________ _ __________ 1430 Bankrnpley A el, Barrows, George H., appel ate jurisdictioneof circuit court of pension increased ___________________ 1405 appeals aver cases of ------ 986 Bartlesville, Okla., Banks, Alexander R-, terms of court' at; rooms to be propension --------- _ ---------.--------- 1488 vided ..-------.,-,._-_,____,_ 945 Banner, Jane A- (widow), Barton, Esther (widow), pension increased _,__ _ ______________- 1480 pension ____________________________ 1481 Bannack Indians I daha, Basden, Zodok Kemster, . appropriation ior fulfilling treaty with- $(1396 pension increased ____________________ 13g’\ B A M. 'd for support, etc., additional, 1925--- 708 a1i;;]Si:l:iIf ____ gift ______________ 1507 Bantz, Kate (widow), Bassett, Bertha (widow), pension -..-...-----.-.-.------- 1521 pension- .-------------- - ---------.. 1491 Banziger, ,Delia N. (widow), Bassett, Mary E. (widow), . pension ..--.------------- - - 1500 pension ---------------..-.. 1477 Bapp, Kate J. (daughter), Batdorf, Lillian (widow),. pension .-.-.- - --.---.-------------. 1453 pension .---.---- ; ---.-.-.-..------- 1503 Barber, Sarah F. (widow), Bates, Hattie G. (widow), pension increased .-- 1457 pension increased . - .. 1489 at