Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/709

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INDEX. 2017 Black Rock Canal, N. Y., P¤8s· Blattmann and Company, P°¢°· bridge authorized across Niagara River payment to, for wrongful seizure by and, at Buffalo ... 355 Alien Property Custodian .. 1571 tunnel in lieu permitted ... 355 Blind, American Printing House for the, consent of Canada required 355 appropriation for expenses, providing improvement of, authorized _. 1189 books, etc. for the blind .. 83, 782 Black, Synlha (widow), Blind Children, D. C., pension increased ... 1458 appropriation for instruction of, out of Black Warrior River, the District .._._.. 555, 1231 portion of, named Lake Bankhead, Ala- 1197 Blind, D. C., Blackfeet Agency, Mont., appropriation for aid, etc., to National appropriation for support, etc., of Library for the 570, 1245 Indians gi; ____ _ ____ __ ___,.. 408, 1159 for Cglumbig, Polytechnic Instifor support, etc., of Indians at, from tute _________._... 570, 1245 tribal funds .. - . 411, 1161 Blind, Publications for the, for support, etc., Indians at, addi- free transmission in the mails of the tional, 1925 ... 708 Bible in raised characters, if Blackfeel Indian Hospital, Mont., sent without charge to a blind appropr1ation for maintenance, etol,8 1159 person .. auf . 668 0 , rate at one cent a oun , i cost rice Blockfeet Indian Reservation, M ont., charged _____ Ii ____________ lj ___ 668 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of Blind Veterans of the World War, _ irrigation systems on; repay- United States, ment . 402, 1153 incorporated; urposes, etc ... 535 for roads, etc., through, to Glacier exclusiveriggt to use of name ... 536 NBU0118-1 Park . 423, 1176 Block Signals, etc., Systems on Railroads, for iiirgggtion systems on, additional, 707 appropriation for imlestigating, etc- 526, 1205 » -.-. e cienc appropria ion or investi atclaims of designated tribes of· Indians . inyé, £I;__I;) ________________ { __ 755 on, for lands, etc., taken, to Bloom Hoooroolo Sol gi .d°t°m‘m°d by Cours of 21 dendiency appropriation for contested . . mms ---- . -··· rs ···--·-···-·· e lection expenses ., 673 restrictions on alienation of homestead Bloomflold N Moo, sussmssss t° Indians °f> m' one-l1alf’cost of biidge across San Juan moved on deaths of allottee 252 Rivor N Mex outhorizod to bo unexpended balance, appropriation for ,,,,,,,,0* riotod " 800 iisissiiss sysssms s¤» 191*% 4 remainderxhy New—li/Iexico `````‘`‘` soo ,,,,,,,,,,,j=·;;;;,·;,s}*¤ --—— - -—---—--------- *15 swoon raoaoaiiagisa. offices of register and receiver, land mums “"W"“ B· (“”d°w)» office at, consolidated . 395 P°*m°P ~-------·-----——---——---——-- 1485 Blackleg Vaccine, Blunt, Richard, _ _ _ Blaploropriogou 1O,.__( _____ Y ___________ .138 Bliéplgcicgzcg} appropriation for serv1ces--- 1313 ac man, argaret' w , , ·· ·» , pension ____________________________ 1416 ridge authorized across Colorado Blackwood, Delphina E, (widow), River near . T ... T . 1130 pension ____________________________ 1526 Board for Bromotionpf Rifle Practice (see BladensburgtRoadfNE., D. l;1¤;r§nr$tg:=;»0$1si¤¤¤s1 Bsssd appropria ion or competing paving, , , · · to District Line; from gasoiine Beard of Qhsrstws. D- 0-. tax fund _____________________ Mg appropriation for expenses 566, 1241 for widening and repairing, H Street °" mssss 8·mb“l“¤F°$ ----—-- _ —-——— , — 566 to and Of present asphalt ,.0,,d_ deficiency appropriation for Children s way; from gasoline-tax fund--- 1224 HOBPIWJ -——-—· ;——; ------- _ -;-- 38 Bm Mess <s*dss>· ,,2, °°“"°‘s..i.°.?.$ii...‘¥..&i.';.§Li’2i..iE`.£.”;L‘Z.‘.§‘§ p€IlSlOl1 ..._ i stair, Mary A. (widow), ¤¤¤lsr ------ - ----------------- 1141 pension increased . - . 1386 Board of General Appraisers, Blair, Thirza J. (widow), appropriation for fees, etc., of wit- . pension increased ... 1460 nesses before . 221, 1030 Blaisdell, Helen S. (widow), clerks, etc., of, to be appointed and Blp]ons%_>n--o5 _ ... 1442 ogy fixed by Secretary of the 7 a e, ran ., easury .. - .. 48 pension increased ... 1384 Board of Mediation and Conciliation, ¥ Blake, Louis H., deficiency appropriation for .. 759 Blplonlsiorjgncreased ... 1397 Board of as; ltplplzggo Title IX, Revea e inn., nue c o bridige authorized across Minnesota appropriation for expehses ..__.__ 1200 River at . 94 for printing and binding .._. s_ _ , 1200 Blakely, Sarah (widow), established, composed of seven mem- . pension 1484 bers - .. ... 336 Blakeslee, Arthur R. (son), additional number for first two pension 1438 years _,,____,._._____ 336