I318 SIX‘TY·NIN’1‘H CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cu. 271. 1927: ,,j${=··•¤· M- ¤·· POLICEMEN AND FIBEMENZS RELIEF FUND P•¤¤·¤¤¤°¤*· · To pay the relief and other allowances as authorized law, a sum not to exceed $590,000 is appropriated from the po 'cemen and iiremen’a relief fund. » = ·
- `**• D•¤•*¤¤·¤*· FIRE DEPARTMENT
sananms i ““*°°·°°’”·°°°- "' Ei and", J-be of the fire de artment, in VF? n' p` m` , · aooo(i·Tdan<$e g;i%hFi;he0A<€t€I:ntidedii;${·i1*i£'<?t toiix the salaries of ohicers and_niexnbeg,gf'§thp Metropolitan, police fore¤%_t.h,q. United States
rce,.and the fire department of the Uistrict of Columbia,
- ’°”°°" ""°"*\ T"? iii in accordance with theCl’asd ' cation Act of
·· T_· ' I;
- ’ ,, mscrnnaxnous ¤£7¤T..‘*J °‘°" ‘° _¤¤d i;¤pt¤v¢m¢xit»2,_€¤ éi#gii1¤‘Qlf¤¤S¢e. and errands, H,'§,,“j’§,‘P‘,,g,,, furnishing uniforms and other oilicial equipment
department re€i1ations as necessary and requisite in
algo duty oilicers and members of the fire
Bn) ._ _ _• ` I` , ·._ ., ` _` A _- __ ,
_,§*°¤°*”*°°¤P°’°*“°· ’ EOL? ’·· X fw) ap and motor 'vehiclesandtiother motor· ` driven, ap for new apparatus, new motor vehic1es,`new _appIi ployment‘ of mechanics, helpers, and laborers in the ilrede ' _, ent repair shop, and forfthe purchasqpofnecessary P~•¢•¤- st suppligr materials, equipment, and tools, $50,000: Provided, That wmv. ° W the ccnuniasioners authorize%rin their discretion, to build or <(ionstruct£ti;1’yyh,ole¥;Iaor_in,part, _ e-fighting apparatus in the Hre eartm. 6.* _ Fir¤¥>¤·*· repai1 m,pr!dvement of fire boat, $1,000; H¤¤¤¤¤df¤¤1· . QI ¤ n .· A ‘ ora- ` ‘ 000. oqaamampnua For contingent expenses, furniture, fixtures, oil, blacksmithing, . gas lighting, flags and halyards, and other necessary Pcmmcntimprovo- 1 Pe1zmanbiit`iinpmvements: _ V, _ _ _, “‘§:; ,,,,,,¤,,_ Igor two aeria hook and ladder trucks, motor driven, at $15,500 uiilor three pumping engines, triple combination, motor driven,
wagonsilmotor or-1vet,t at $8,000 each.
t~F°€·E"9; ¢<>¤;¤¢>bi1¤¤ e¢$2»9¤0 wc .- ._ A _ s i N•w¤¤mp•¤yb¤¤s•. , Flor __.’. amount lfor »house,,site,, and so forth, foran L¤¤•¤¤¤· locatedgigtithe vicinityof Sixteenth Street and ·¢-¤·»¤-•¤- Pinch Branch t ad ‘¤¤x¢hv¢s¢. $15,657, ¢¤ be expended under the same Iiinitation asptlieappropriation of $92§25 for such urposes in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for year 1927. nrmmm. Forone drill tower and equipment to be located on land owned b the Districtof Columbia adjacent to number 8; house, $20,008; num ¤•¤•r¤¤·¤r~ HEALTH DEPARTMENT ` sananms soma. For personal services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $156,740.