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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1394

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1354 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cue. 806-308. 1927.

  • ""*'°,,mQ,,·¤ railroad, under or over said track or tracks: Provvkied That 0ne»ha1f

gh<>:=¢_ §¥:‘ of the total cost of constructing any viaduct 0i· subway and ooessors or ~ cro@· an °'°“’°"‘ Z5’5."§‘§§’°$a°I2§"“’ M ..‘§s§‘;’§hw°§a‘§¤ .*::..a1S..*a “`° ""1'°“‘.l in the evzent the ri hte of way of two or more railroad oomp’anies are so crossed half cost as herein provided shall be paid by the said railroad compani , their successors or assigns, in proportion to the widths of their respective land holdings, and all revisions in respect E10 the method of payniilent and of said Ihallf cos? E¤f¤¤¤¤=¤¤¤¢· creation o a ` n in respect t ereto an e orce t t conditions of usee thereof y street railway companigsinand glvegry other kind of condition provided section 1 hereof, and the “§¤1<£igi¤¤¤ <>f¤¤¤¤¤· authorizationf and every coixdigon 1nd;iespect theretoh forf the 1 . acquisition o an necessary an _ provi in section 2 ereo in mp 1353 relagionbto th; viadiictsblaxid ttiheglbapproachaeg thereir:1 authorihled, are ere ma eappica e 0 e wa s vi ucts,an approac Mm pm { aughorized this seéztioputhetiame as %’enacte;l at lengltah hereii}: °°m°°° 1:0.4. romanar ecometiono eviuctand §€¤?¤¤E;eu;t;z approaches to carry Fern Street over {the tracks and right of way suse. go the Mettrlqpogigiii Branchdof the _Baltimor¢;h and (ggio Ritilrozild m any e wav e crossi over e tra an rig t of wliny df the said Bag}-timore andn%)h10 Railroad Company at vm ¤¤g¤g_§{§¤¤v,gf Chestnut Street shall be forever closed against further trailic of sm, m<1e¤¤¤1¤z•: any kind; and from and after the completion of the viaduct and §g,‘°§§_ B°‘° '°'°"' approaches to carry Varnum Street over the tracks and right of végy of the lgetrgpqlitan Bragch of the Baltimorie and Ogle lgzilrosgd mpany te 1 waygraecrossmgovertetrac an rigt . of wa of the railroad com any at Bates Road shall be forever Eggfyn ¤g¤gg_§¤u¢;·>¤v,gf* clo against further trailic 0 any kind, and from and after the aaa, pace enssmg at completion of the viaduct and approaches to carry Eastern Avenue

 S“°°‘ '°'°"'°' over the tracks and rights of way of the Philadelphia, Baltimore

and Washin n Railroad Com an and the Baltimore and Ohio A P Y Railroad Compan , the highway grade crossing over the tracks and tl rights of wg of e said railroad companies at Quarles Street, shall be forever osed against further treme of any kind. Approved, March 3, 1927. Mmm mz.

 0HAPésg07»-—Ant Act To provide American registry for the Norwegian

_, tn Re it enacted by the _Seq.ate and House of ggpresentattves of tfze AD,,,,,1,,,,,,°"'°“ ‘ mg Umted Statespf an O<mgress_assevrtb , That the Commis- g;¤;¤_£,¢ f¤¤*¢¤ sioner of Navigation 18 hereby authorized and directed to cause the ' foreign-built sailing vessel Derwent, purchased and wholly owned by American citizens and repaired and changed by them into a barge, to be enrolled and licensed as a vessel of the United States. Approved, March 3, 1927. M¤<=¤¤·!°”- . . . . . . EH- R- 16701*-1 CHAP. 808.-An Act Authorizing the President to appoint Captain Reginald N°· 7*1- R,o‘Y1anNBelknap, United States Navy, retired, arear admiral on the retired list or e avy. ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House 1% Representatives of the

 R,,,,,,,,d United States of America in Congress asse Zed, That in recoggition

R¤vg_g=°£¤¤¤¤v,¤¤I¤¤, of the exce tionally meritorious service of Captain Reginald wan igpriweeianii Belknap, Epnited States Navy, retired, in command of `ne Squadron 1 of the mine force during] the operation of laying mines in the North Sea and for his exce ent work in connection with the equip- 9