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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1418

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1378 SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. H. Cns. 339-341. 1927. me across said streets, water gas, and sewer mains, electric light and telephone ‘wires_ and cabies, and any other utility which the operation and use who Government of said armory may r;%uire; ,§,“}g;§,'dfgF§{f"“°”’ And That thesaid city of Springfield bh · not sell oxihczmnvey the dgscngbed premises, norddevoti the same tg an o r t an- ' way purposes; an init eievent sai ,,S§°Q’,°‘,,‘};‘,,{§_ “°°‘ prgmises shall- m used for1§nK other or shall not be cared for and miintainedas are ot er pub ic ighways of said city, the right, title, and interest hereby authorized to be conveyed shall revert to theYUnited States. ‘ i Approved, March 3, 1927. Migih4;$g.m) ` ·GKAP. 840.+An Act Authorizing the adjustment of the boundaries of the IP¤¥>¤<=» Nv- 743-1 Arapaho National Forest, and for other purposes. Be it enabted b- Y the Senate and House of Representatives of the Arapaho National United States of igmm-ica in Oangreaa assembled, That. any Erivately F°{$§»$.°:Zs of pu. owned lands within the following demribed sections, w ich are {;E,j‘§'h‘g;fQ°°‘}(},°§{}_§,§g,'· fou.ud_ by the Secretary of Agriculture to be chiefly valuable for ng} I ' national forest purposes, may be offered and title thereto accepted in ° ‘°‘°‘*°5‘ exe2:§e for national- forest land or timber in the State of Col ‘ 0, under and in accordance with the provisions of the Act p..mp¤°¤_ of March 20, 1922, Public 173, and the Acts amendatory thereto: Inttowmhip. 1e south, range 75 west, section 4; east half and northwest quarters of section 5; northeast quarter of section 6; east half of section 8, section Qisouth half ofsection 10; sections 15 and 16; east half of sections 1% and 20; sections 21 and 22; sections 28, 29, 30; 31, 82, and 33; in township 1 southyrange 76 west, sections 4, 5., 6, 7, 8, and 9;-* north half ofsection 10; sections 11 to 36, inclusive; _in>town&i&:1 s0utb,·1·ange»77 west, sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23,24, 25, 26; ,.and 36,; in township 1 north, range 75 west, section 31;·in township 1 north, range 76 west, sections land 2; southeast guarter of section 3; east half of sections 10; sections 11, 12, 13,an 14;:east half and southwest quarter of section 15; south half of section 16;. sections ·21 to 29 inclusive; east half and southwest quarter of section 80; sections 31 to 36 inclusive; in township 1 north, range 76% west, south half of section 25; section 36; in townshipl north, range 77 west, section 36; in township 2

 range 76 west, sections 25 and 36; all west of the Sixth

p1·in<¤pa1·meridia;u. J V _d§gd¤tg°,{;Qt_'•¤°' Lands conveyed to the United States under this Act shall, upon acceptance t1t1e, become parts of the Arapaho National Forest. i Approved, March 3, 1927. Milsiiligéimg ` CHAP. 84 1.-An Act 'I‘ranaferring a portion of the lands of the military res- [ruuuc, Norm.} ervation of the Preaidioeof San Francisco to the Department of the Treasury. ` _B¢ai# enabted by the Senate amd House o§Rep1·e.se·rttaz5i*vea of the c,§',,f'{§’},‘}{f'°‘° "”“' United States of America in Congress agaem Zed, That the following ¤'¥`¤¤¤a |*¤hgQl°g§¤pg1& lands forming a parte of the military reservationof the wu. Presxdxo of Sau4Fra¤c1scp,· California, are hereby transferred to and placed under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of the for use for marine hospital purposes, and such lands shallno 1ongcr¢be·he1d,and considered a part of such military reservation, except that a strip of land north of the southern boundary of the reservationiand, west 0 a ine through the center Qf Avenue egtended, of which Lobos Creek shall be the

 together yvxth a_ f0l'tye·f00¢ rightof wa V as anexit from

the military reservation of the Presidio of San rancisco to the