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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1471

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s1xTY-N1N*r11 conennss. sm. II. cu. 509. 1927. 1431 nnrnauriurron or my p8y_ Sno. 10. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the average D¤¤<>r¤¤i¤¤;d j>,:;*¤¤v¤r; weekly wage of the injured employee at the time of the injury shall ?S§`m-`;i`z° 8 ° ° be taken as the basis upon which to compute compensation and shall be detergnirged as fogowszl h H h k d h 1 a I t e injure emp 0 ee s a ave wor. e in t e emp oy- Bmd ¤¤ ¤V¤¤*¢¤ meiit) in which he was working at the time of the in`ury, whether wm °Hmumd mgm for the same or another emplgyer, during substantially the whole of the year immediately prec in(g his injury; his average annual earnings shall consist of three hun red times t e average daily wage or salary which he shall have earned in such employment during the days when so employed. (b) If the in'ured employlee shall not have worked in such employ~ ,g¤ Wagga? jm am; ment during substantially t e whole of such year, his average annual giejgli. S ry °m earnings shall consist of three hundred times the average daily wage or salary which an employee of the same class working substantially the whole of such immediately preceding year in the same or in similar employment in the same or a neighboring place shall have earned in suc employment during the days when so employed. (c) If either of the foregoing methods of arriving at the annual uuieggrggggegglgregé average earnings of an injured employee can not reasonably and uesimuuempioyee. fairly be applied, such annual earnings shall be such sum as, having regard to t e previous earnings of the injured employee and of other employees of the same or most similar class, wor ing in the same or most similar employment in the same or neighboring locality, shall reasonably represent the annual earning capacity of the injured employee in the employment in which he was working at the time of the injury. (d) The average weekly wages of an employee shall be one fifty- ,,uY,d°$“’ “‘° °°““' second art of his average annual earnings. (e) Iii it be established that the injured emplolyee was a minor mgiggswmwwmiww when injured, and that under normal conditions iis wages should ` be expected to increase during the period of disability the fact may be considered in arriving at his average weekly wages. compras Fon Minor: on rxoomrzrmzvr ¤:(i¤°$¤r»`li;i•?ai$i me Sno. 11. The deputy commissioner ma r uire the a pointment ·‘—¤¤°i¤*m¤¤* by by a court of competent jurisdiction, for zihyejierson who is mentally 31u·£¤i»i¤Ii°ipi:»•ig14i¤i.r° incompetent or a minor, of a guardian or other representative to receive compensation payable to such person under t is Act and to exercise the powers granted to or to perform the duties required of such person under this Act. Norxcn or INJURY on nrznn df[,Q‘{,‘l°° °‘ ml"'? °‘ Sao. 12. (a) Notice of an in'u or death in respect of which “’”° ‘°‘· ‘° "°¥’“" compensation is payable under thi? Act shall be given within thirty iii°=ii1riuii?ii1¤<§m(ii¤si•iii days after the date of such injury or death (1) to the deputy com- missioner in the compensation district in which such injury occurred and (2) to the employer. gb) Such notice shall be in writing, shall contain the name and N°“°°”°“"°m°““· ad ress of the employee and a statement of the time, place, nature, and cause of the injury or death, and shall be signed by the employee or by some pgrson on his behalf, or in case of death, by any person claiming to entitled to compensation for such death or by a person on his behalf. _ (c) Notice shall be given to the deputy commissioner by deliver- Si.}Q‘§,',l$,'Z1“.§§,,§‘Z,',‘3.§’§{i°' mg it to him or sending lt by mail ad ressed to his ollice, and to the