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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1474

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1434 SIXTY-NINTH couennss. sees. 11. cu. see. 1927. be determined in accordance with the American Experience Table of Mortalitiy. The probability of the happening of any other contin- 5-lency a decising the amonmt or duration of the compensation shall be sregar e .

  • ""*“‘°°,,,,,,"°,’“‘°“,,“ (k) If the employer has made advance ayments of com nsat`on

to N mm he shall be entitled to be reimbursed out 0%) any unpaid instaillmeni; or installments of compensation due. m§$¤v¤ fer var- (1) An injured employee or in case of death his dependents or ' personal representative, shall give receipts for payment of com n- sation to t e employer paying the same and such employer gheall produce thegame for inspection by the deputy commissioner, when- ever uire . ,,§,?‘i“°“"° ’u°"' (m) hhs total compensation payable under this Act for injury or death shall in no event exceed the sum of $7 ,500. I°'““° '“"°""°‘“"‘ INVALID' acnnnmnwrs By employee to pay . persons: um Sm. 15. (a) No a ment by an employee to pay any 0rt10n of ati °“'"°"°:’l°m1 premium paid by hirosmployer to a carrier or to contribute to a benefit fund or department maintainedebly such employer for the purpose of providing compensation or m ical services and supplies as required ii this . ct shall be valid, and 8.1;)* employer who makes a deduction or such purpose from the pay o any employee entitled to the benefits of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon gonviction thereof shall be punis ed by a line of not more t an 1,000. '§,° ;';*'°¤_"*"‘ *° (b) No a eement by an em loyee to waive his right to compensa- °° ix no tion under this Act shall be valid. assrcnnnnr arm nxnurmon mom cnams or oxmrmae m’{°`,’$f*‘°°“· °°°·· Seo. 16. No assignment, release, or commutation of compensation or benetits due or payable under this Act, except as provided by this Act, shall be valid, and such compensation and benefits shall be exem t from all claims of creditors and from levy, execution, and attachment or other remedy for recovery or collection of a debt, which exemption may not be waived. Gompmnsoaausa. ’ oomrnxsymon A mms Aoamsr assure ?r•¤¤•¤¤•¤f·¤¤¤¤¤¢ Sm. 17. Compensation shall have the same preference of lien °m°l°’°°°' mu"` against the assets of the carrier or employer without limit of amount as is_3ow‘ or mayngereafter be allowed y law to the claimant for unpai wages or 4 erwise. i oeneeuoa of as · oonnmorrox or nnnuxrrzn raumxrs hultedpaymenta. ; [ ¤gP?!}$§__-“°.;?¤*g_°•¤ Sac. 18. In case of default by the employer in the payment, of compensation due under any award of compensation for a period of thirty day: after the ppmpensatiol; is due andhpayable, the pigeon tp w om suc compensa`ion·1s paya e* may wit n_one year a ‘r suc default, make application to the deputy commissioner making the contitpensation order or_'a supplementary order declaring the amount o¤uwu•¤c•. of e default. After investigation, notice, and hearing, as provided I sectrpncl19,,theti<3eputy_ comniikaionsrfshph mlpkg ahsupjilgraéentary er caring eamounto, egeautwic sal ledin the saline manner as the compensation order. In case the payment in default is _an installment of the award, the deputy commissioner may, m his discretion, declare the whole of the awar as the amount