XX LXST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOIJUTIONS. Pam Army, deteriorated ammunition. A11 Act T0 authorize the Secretary of War to exchange geteriorigegiand unserviceable ammunition and components, and for other purposes. we » Q - ---—- -- -----~-~------»-~... - ......*.... - ..................... --- 680 Service mileage, and travel expenses in Alaska. An Act To amend section 12 of the Act approved June 10, 1922, so as to authorize payment of actual expenses for travel under orders in Algsks,. June 1 1926 _,___ , __________ _,r__ ______________________ 580 Bridge, Monongohcla River. All ztct To extend the time for the construction of a bridge across t e Monongahela River at or near the borough of Wilson in the county of Allegheny, Penns Janis. June2 1926 ....._._,___,_,,_ , ___,_______,_____,____ 581 Eagle Lake,_a_nannaa»•bails stream. An_ Ant _DecLaring Eagle Lake, which Hes gint} within the limits of the State of Mississxgpi, 1n Warren County, and partly wit 'n the limits _ oiiggéie State of Louisiana, in Mn 'son Parish, to be a. nonuavigable stream. June 2, 1 .................................. - ...................._..,............ 68 Bridge, Columbia River. An Aot Granting the consent of Congress for the construction of a bridge over the Columbia River at a point within one mile upstream and one mile downstream from the mouth of the Entiat River in Chelnn County, State of Wash- ington. June 2, 1926 ........,................,.._.,._____,_,,,____ _ _________ 682 Bridge, Red River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Red River Parish Brid Company (Incorporated) to construct is bridge across the Red River, at or near 1:%;
of Couahntta., in the Parish of Red River, in the State of Louisiana. Juno 2,
........... - ..........................l.............. - ................. 683 M acres Creek National Miliiary Park N. C. An Act To establish a national military park at the battle iield of Moores Cteek, North Carolina. June 2, 1926 _........... . ,-- 684 M ilitarg and naval insurance. An Act To amend section 301 of the World War Vetem.ns’ ct, 1924. June 2, 1926 ............................e_....,. - ,........,.. M-, 686 Postal Service, rent of quarters. An Act Authorizing the Postmaster General to rent qmxrtexs for postal purposes without formal contract in certain cases. June 3, 1926 ....... ..- 688 Postal Service, terminal railway post ojiiccs. An Act Authorizing the Postmaster General to make monthly payment of rental for terminal railway post-oiiice premises under lease. June 3 1926 ............................................. , ...,...... .. 588 Subsistence Expense riot, 1926. An Act To regulate subsistence expenses of civilian otlioers and emplogees while absent from their designated posts of duty on official business. June 3, 19 6. ........, - ..................................................... 688 Santa Yaabel Indian Reservation, Calif, An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to purchase certain lands in California to be added to the Santa Ysabel Indian Reserva- tion and authorizing an appropriation of funds therefor. June 3, 1926- ..,... 7 ...... 690 Northern Cheyenne Indian Rcaervation, Mont. Ar. Act To provide for allotting in severalty lands within the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in Montana, and for other gurpoees. June 3, 1926 ........... . ......... - ........ - ........... , ............ 690 Postal 'ervioe, cir mad at pound rates, etc. An Act To amend section 4 of the Air Mail Act of February 2, 1925, so as to enable the Postmaster General to make contracts for the transmission of mail by aircraft at fixed rates per pound. June 3, 1926 ........ 692 Bridge, Missiasipfi River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Northern Pacific Rai way Company to construct a bridge across the Mississippi River at Little Falls, Minnesota. June 4, 1926 .............................................. 693 Bridge, Mississippi River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, a corporation oiganized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, to construct 0. bridge across the ississippi River at or near Minneapolis, in the State of Minnesota. Juno 4 1926 ...................................... 693 Bridge, Current River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to Missouri State Highway Commission to construct a bridge across Current River. June 4, 1926 ............ 694 Bridge, Current River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to Missouri State Highway Commission to maintain a bridge across Current River. June 4, 1926--., ,.,.,.... 694 Bridge, Mississippi River. An Act tending the time for the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River in the county of Hennepin, Minnesota, by the city of Minnea lis. June 4, 1925 .................................................. 694 Postal Service, fglfth-ClG85 postmaotera. An Act To amend the Act of Febmsry 28, 1025, fixing the compensation of fourth-class postmasters. June 4, 1926 .................... 695 Bridge, Mahoning River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Board of County Commissioners of Trumbull County, Ohio to construct an overhead viaduct across the Mahoning River at Girard, Trumbull County, Ohio. Juno 7, 1926 ............ 696 District of Columbia, Key and Highway Bridges. An Act To amend section 5 of the Act entitled "Au Act to provide for the removal of what is now known as the Aqueduct Bridge, across the Potomac River, and for the building of a bridge in place thereof," agproved May 18, 1916, and section 12 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for e 'minating certain grade crossings, and so forth," approved February 12, 1901, as amended. June 7, 926 ................,.................................... 697 District of Columbia, Harvard Street NW., etc. An Act To authorize the widening of Harvard Street in the District of Columbia and for other purposes. June 7, 1926 ........e. 697 District of Columbia, conduit, Twelfth Street SW. An Act Permitting the Washington Market Comlgnuy to lay a conduit across Twelfth Street, southwest. June 7, 1926- - - 698 Casa Grande Ruins azional Monument, Ariz. An Act To restore to the gublic domain certain lands within the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, an for other purposes. June 7, 1926 .............. .. ............. .. .................................. 698