LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. `IIY has Hcudm•budo}’Wm\i••4¢ca. 3oI¤tBcsclutt¤n T¤•ccm·carcp1icacltinHc¤¤i¤¤ bnatd I _ y•aal¥rxgtc¤fc¤k1¤kmcnt1¤thcPJa¤1L$m¤l¤m c :?k•1928------u.;E 776 rvngahir couches; •. Euaciuticn Bcactary tc1·i;u:·“€ ¤mf¢ccw£1!t•$icni¤ t11¤cn¤•ta·uc¤onc£ 776 dams uv .......,. . ............. - ............ Tablet, Roger Williams. ¤rthc•w¤*:¤‘a;•:? an ctabls, cr marker vidcncc, · ccmmnacaa
WB1I•.¤•inth•?·t•hclRbcdci»and. Juno ,19%... ...... . ,... 777
D£a¢r·idcfC 8ain¢Jo¢{pk’•H•s»<¤d»BcAool. AnActTcc!a•¤z"¤¤¤¤a1nacl"'l3¤¤ ‘1`ruat¤c•d8gti¥$?hsl•b0rpba•A•y1¤m"a¤da¤·•n¤1th•. Lnccrpcmungtho Tn ¢mO· ··..-----.·••...-·-·-·-a-.-----..»-..---.·..-..-..---.....--··»---...- Code o_fL••¤•c!8u Ur;i|•l.8tda•.u·AnA¢$‘1‘0 ••tf¤rtht1¤cge¤nr•l a¤dTm•¤cnt1•w•dthcI1:•it•d&•t••I¤tc:cc acvcntmcucthcunand ninc undmcd and luna 80, 1998 ..... .. ........................... 777 ""‘““’..u "$,· ?...°`m.....*° .1. "° '"°‘2.;‘: ,..1 “‘° '°"""‘°"‘°" »..m...‘a‘.*%‘r..&;3 *°¤....°°“¤?.“2"‘°· croc W 7, 1925, with md •cf¤rt1x.“°%u¤c BO, 1% 778 Ewa, av., wrignmnw v dctcnninc P _ tbcccuvhgcyiwc;-a?inAlg:t:•;t¤wm var, Nevada. Junc¤0,1¤26--.y;-., 779 lnalddng, natal, . o condemnation cthcrwinc add$H¤¤a1k¤dfuradrivcvayto::•? atBxiatoLiL‘1f1'c<icI¤Imd° •c·d‘:ocou¤uc:tnidddmway;uid.fu•at;in|%¤;r&¤t¤mdm9dmt0th•poa·£ 779 0 building sind. .... . ................... snap, rm; nga. _A¤ An me c¤m¤nt`g;°C<>u;‘;%,:·c•n to axon, mm, and 11;¤¤ vcr lcct¤cCom mllimlacuupontiow comtru -br1dgcacx·o•a cx §vc:1aDun<1cc’I‘cw’:gii>,Kan•Cc¤nty,andS¢• dlliiuch. }uly;1,192&. ......, 779 Bridge, Mahoning River. Au Ant Granting thc consent of Ccxgc: to thc board cl ccunty zlczuniaaicncrs gut Tru¤:b&11¤£o¤¤ty,`0lnio<,J0to a—Jub viaduct acme: 780 VG! 8 UD , • , .-.».-»a..-..-.·.... Army, Air Carpe ctc. An Act To provide mon cgcctivcly fc: thm; national defense by i1?1;adq{McB?h•;cg¢;f9;•k•Ak(bm•dtmMmdtMIJMbd8htu,mdf0r 780 O uxpocu. ..----....-..--..--....--......-....Q...--...-...•...-;-a--a.......-··.- Right o{]vay?T•ab•gce, Ab., Vdrni Hospital. An Act To authndac the Dkcctor of thc ¤it»cd§'tu1,tcu;Vf9t;r°m¤' Bu1·c•ut0grantauca•¤mcnttcthc’I‘Jakcg¤c R.a1k¤•dG¤m• 790 www §*:7°}y€;¤?&q· Ad amcndmcnh ```` `` Y `````` 1i§`€iJ»i&i?3}`w?3¢¤».¤· ``”` "'Hfiid 790 Pc¢tawa¢omyic’Ind•a¤w' ````` sm, ``°'` 2122; H"HK&€2[¤uw¤¤¤; '`'````` `£1§&2i`u»¤ `` BEE E>ii‘¤u» ```` C ;ab•w¤hhdmm_hQkh:2mawmbmitq.;1i1mgwwcCoAu;tA•§tC'}_;im; 801 ooper •••cvIa••'n;J••£•w•s, yr-•cul¢un. czcatca cn. cooperative mnkciig in of Agriculture; to providstlar ilu •¤Q¤H· {1:1 and of c0ov¥de:¤:i0¤; tc pxzuctc tl; wlcdgc cooperative principles pncdccr cr callin! vines courscl with thc Bccrctary ul Agicultuxvon c:¤§x¤%vc activiticq; auiburin cooperative aasociatioun to acquirc, intcrgst, an dincminatc crop and market infomation, and for othu Xgxgcu July 19% ........... .,.. ..... ,. .... .. ...... SIB Ba•¢men¢,Fm¢Ha•••€1tnn,N.Y. ¤tT¤auth0¤·iscthcSc¤¤·ctarycfWatt0!¢¤¤¥an•a•c- mcnttothccityd Ncw Y¤rk,Stat•cfNcwYc¢·k t0&]l¤l1£1&d]l!l.\I!1dI.'_W`8tIl’ inandal thcahcrcofthcuarrowaandbayadjointngthc tarymnnrvahouul _ F¤1jt£€¤¤inaa1dStatcf¤rhig;v‘vi°p¤upo••a. JuLv2,1038- ................ .. 804 Bndge,Ku•£•a•&Rd•¢r. AnActGnn con•cntofGc¤gzc¤tct·h•BtabcclMiun•— "’w......"% ...m°°‘“...I%a.YZ?.1'¥£7”‘i$.A°_ °€."£’* °'.£"”°'°m.¤.¥¤.‘?.T’,`$*.‘,?.$.2.‘$"§$»’¤2.? •c1·¤a•tht:M1n1nd;21d Rivcratcrncar thg:&¤¤:PauL Minncncta, Ju1y·2, 1926-- @6 Br·idge,PearlR€v•r. An ct &¤0¤$¤t¢C0¤@'£`W“l0J|0£DIDd&I$$f¤ Rai1wzi{`Compa¤yb¤c¤¤stru mai¤tai¤,a¤do@at•arai\rcadb¤idgpacrc••thc Pcarl vc1·inthcShatccl pi. Ju1y2,_1 ........ ,.. ..... -» ........... 806 Pen.¤bm,C£vilWar,etc.;a-;g·v£o¤. Au$c1:h°(£anG:1n¤g.§•am&>mmd zudcmbw%d¤ cu sauna, marlnca cnxican certain widows of¤aidL01gi§&cr¤,andmar%;§;~l§g•%w1dnwa0fthc·.%•rc¢1812,mdArmy 808 ¤-· I.,‘$,..·“»·<~..1.».~:;¥.=·;.‘“‘ umm, ...`1.;‘..¤·¤·.;;·:;.·¤;..<=¤·¤·‘;,;;·*.;..·¤=·~;;;i~;..‘·=~r;.;; ‘ w w may. Unim St•t¤s,and f0rc:hcr July 3, 1926 ...... ,--- 807 Ciroui¢cour¢%1'&g:»eaLa,Oklaha»•aC€ty,OI¤l¤. ApA¤t’I‘c atc¤¤cf`t11cUni1:¤dStatc• _ ·(}f¢I1l-. _:tct'AppgahatOk1ahoma(‘in(:Z Oklahoma. July8,1926 .......... --- 809 Dw¢rw¢qfColunbw,Grcen•mchP¤1·k1¤¤y. An {l`0c§·a:¤tho.uamcqfDunbPlaccn0rtb· Evagtgbgctwccn Forty·fourth Strcctaud Foxhall , , to Gmaumch Parkway. July 809 mm · 3; c¤z&¤1m,Y""§I5i’b»m¤ ``` ````` ”"`."X&`AB%"rK`¤;·.u¤¤ “````“` E`€rI£`m¤·m ``“'``` B? Columbiathctram in,sa1¤, d ofmilkbot cans, d ther taincrs cffgéwéilk and cream,°t0 prevenatzlfrgnig and dccepttilczz and fg?§;’c1¥;>m9pwcc?°nJuly 3, 809 zmmgm 2 · `,}&§fdJ5i I»i€é.`F»uzm¢" ```` §»ie}&3¢L}§,`J¢£."l{£l&5€ ·i%`£Q{J¤{¤i £ié`1`mm"‘§¤.` `£1E£{AEEI>2 · 1924. July 3, 1926 .............................................. - ...... ---- 8!2