LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS gxgv ublic N mw' f Agrimdt , etc. lend to th lamb H College Au Act G tin cartgln ral '° ¤*.».’¤¢ fiiw Mm, M mi u.. ...4 b‘éI.L¤t of New m¤.L‘?>0u§,. uf Agrieultixre ...5 Mechanic Arts, for thogxrpone cl conducting educational, demomtmtive; and cépm- $9:17 development wi livestock, grazing methods, and range tonga pleats. ucl: 1296 Appropnatkh · “``` T-_7(:';i-unbsal-_:-.~-HK-Mah--_u ```"````“'``“'`` f "££5`;¤m·¤m¤¤ ````````` EB} the Diséict cl Coiumbia and other ncgivitieu c ‘;1!5e(g· in sutagninst the revenues of suc]; qgigict for the fiscal yen- ending Juno 80, 192$,·an for cth! pun- 1297 B».d,.· . .4..*M me ··‘· ;,;;e1;; asm, ‘‘‘·‘ ;12sa..‘,..,.. ·‘··· as 24;a‘¤t1*c.q».. ·‘·‘·’ uma;. Company, its succcsors and swig, to construct mdntein md openbc A bridge accross the Ohio Rivcrut or neu tovm of Murys, County, West Virgiuig, ton point oygxoaite thereto in Washington County Ohio. Much 2, 1927-- 1334 Patents, procedure, dc. An ct Amending the statutes of the United States ss to procedure en wx cring ...-..--..--.--.- §“ *“°°é"*“.§d°“-3 ‘"" ‘“ @$5 "‘“‘ E *°§£$‘;‘,"§“&7°‘ ’°““‘ "°°°"‘ '°‘ lm Bridge, xgkio An Amui? conagt o}lCoug¤ca• to the State of Ind1¤n%£p¤ successors and am, to oo cxmatntain and operate a bridge ecross the io River, guncggnni the Btabepf entucky {0 act jointly with the State of Indians in the cc ction, maintenance, and opemtion of said bridge. Much 2, 1927 ---.- 1337 Bridge, Wabash Riser. An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing the ocnrtguctig ofhaé semen the Wabash River at the city of Mount Camel, 1339 K0 , ..... - ...... -....-- ........... ..Q .... -..---; ............. United 8ta!o:*c:•u!1{i_°.:\.Vt:lrIh Carolina $27Act To provide for an Additional Federal 1339 dietri or Carolina. Much .-.--.-.--.-.-.-.-.---.-.--....----. Navy, airstationa, publicvorke. Au ActT0n:uthorisc the Secretary of the Navy top; oceed with the construction of certain public works and for other Much 2, 1927.. 1340 Bridge, Rio Grande. An Act Granting the comme of Congress Starr County Bridge Company, ity successors and assigns, to construct, mnintgin, and operate u bridge » across the R10 Grande River. Munch 2, 1927 -..-..--...-----.---.-- ; ------.-.. 1341 Bridge, Ohio Riser. An Act Granting the consent ot Congress to The Carrollton Bridge ‘ Company, its successors and assigns, to construct, operate, sud maintain; bridge across the Ohio River between Carrollton, Carroll _Coupt%, VKen¤mkz§7•nd a. point giireetly across the riwjcr in Switzerland County, Lnduna. 2, 1 7-..; -----. 1342 Navy, mcreaaed An Act To suinorizesniucreueiu the hmitof cost of curtain mval v and for other purposes. Merch 2, 1927 -------.--.---.--. 1343 Postal Service, sweemwagon conrad. An Act To suthorinc the Pootrnuter Genus.! to cancel n certain screen-wagon contract, sud for other purposes. March 2 1927..--.. --... 1344 Bridge, Aliaaouri River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to tim Nebrmtaplcwa
Comp%1y,éta suglcclgom a.¤gia1?1ggs, to construct, maintain, and operate i. 1344
soma e isscu ver. s , 1927- ...---.---...-.-. - .--- . .... e-.. N Mc¤co’ College Apnc¤l¢' dmqrcntcorrectod. Jintlhaolti d ' ew tion of bmdsqérantcd tmze S’tetc of New MGXISO for thcuusgnand bench of”;a5 gioexioo Collige ogiggxigijgure and Mechanic Arts, by enrolled bill S. 4910, Sixtyminth 1345 agrees. are , - ..---..--.....-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-....------.--.--- .. ---. Public ojcer•’ ajidaviu, ccrredion. Joint Resolution T0 ocnect an error in Public, Num- bered 526. Bixtytninth Congress. March 2, 1927 ---.-----.---..-.---.---.-----.- 1348 Maryland distract, additional Judg A11 Act T0 create an addltkmd judge for the district of p,,....M...“""°”.,.¤.,,.°‘ ‘ ‘ Im ‘‘‘‘‘‘ AB 1;,2 =ia3;,:,z2a;·¢:,;‘ts;;ii,,,,..i ‘·‘· "¤‘s.;,;;,z‘s;;;. 13*6 I additional disfdricuiudgelgor the Au Act ff anglsylvauis. smh 3, 1927-...- 1347 nd' reservations ' . ouu orize All mini leumupou umumllottcd 1;.nds¤witlgxF1:Exa;•?:1Gve order Indian reservations. K;lsau·ch $181927 ...---- 1347 Connecticut dioirict, additional An Act To provide for the aggginhnentof an additional »..M"‘§*2é‘.f?.....»,...’“‘*’—‘° .,.4....'°’ “‘° 6- S?L3'§?§“°X§‘°XZ4 T“‘"’$£’ i asm ·····‘ 02 `é`z§£§§% *3*8 ' “ , ' ' . 0 ro e or eni ngrtheut, in the Distnxqict of C0lum°l;i;{ and for otgcr puqgncs. March ;F1927 .----. 1349 Slwahane Indians, claims. An Act Auth ug the Shoshone be of indium of the Wind Rgggu Reservation in Wyoming to submit claims to the Court of Claims. Merch 3, 1349 I .... .--4- --.-........... .. ...................-.............. -.. .....-·-- -- Army, Medical Corps retiremenu. An Act Authorizing the President to appoint and retire cena; persons first lieutcuants in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Much 1350 8 1 ..--....... - .......................................................... District Lf Columbia, public investigations. A11 Act T0 amend section 8 of the Act making a`y;>px·0priaticns to provide _for the eégenses of the government of the District (i§C01l.|:l {311;:* Hg 6¤c:.l3y¢ia&$ud1¤g Juno , 1914, and for other purposes, approved 1351 srch , . uc ......--.--..--.-....-......--..-...-......... - District oi Columbia, eliminating Michigan Avenue grade Au Apt To for the I éngrion of the Mi1&mga1:18Awi?)r;1?;e grade crossmg in he District of lumbus, and 1351 _ urposcc. are .-.-.-.-..-.. - -...-.--.--....-.---..--........ Dis¢ric¢$`a)'olumg1k1, eliminating spcciyied grade crossings, etc. An Act Tofprovide furthe elim- ination of grade creasing of steam railroads in the District 0 Columbia, and for other purposes. March , 1927 ........... - ................ 4 ................... 1352