,, · » _ _ V . ns. , , . 1926. 774 SI§'¥'¥_.NINTH'.Q0N&BE§Si,, 5 I ,02 697 6*8 702 "**¤·***°· dow`, "‘§.of2 if 2 mir-pim: bidlditg to be i S ' ‘tl1€ réseuf "t"bit’e*_ ghthd 2£?ii·oai1,.oi_’Stondsrds inthe Bi¢**i¢¤2*> ' *» ‘ 2 F , , Approved, Jxme 20, 1926; ` ‘ *‘ 2 2 d ,,_ . Jum26,1¤m. r¤.·x.ua¤¤.1 . .—— o uthorize t em-, e urisdic ‘o¤, Ltho wok , moi ¤.%;‘:5»3£E ,,t“?‘““»omo£?,§.‘L $,.0,
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2 · ` tsei¤gs<2‘ nursoryyvizr ”··¤**¤**°¤· ‘ · ‘ @gga~¢ne~¤sme·a¤2eue meieceeicu or the west line or me _, e ‘2 ,2 2 oh'<¤ewer·_i$v?ith‘2the line ofltbe Anacostia V s 2 “ Riieigfsudé y , withthe west liueoithc Stickloot Branch; sei.~i;éouth2*o;ie y 2 iivehundmd and sixty feet, morecrfless, to2’t 2io"i&¤i1\_,hi -WWoi‘}iho2o‘fytho Aneéostiakivcr assliown on
2 red}§ "’i¤·§€hé·» omoe22ofithe,,2surveyo31;,¤ of the District of
2 ¤;2r;the;ice·wvit1i_~seid·high—wete¤ line t2he_,fol.1owing courses
*3*4 ,¤*,¤¤·¤=¤¤*¤ 2<*¢s~¤<#2 *»*=i¤>~*w¤ ¤¤i¤s¤¢¤¤ ret
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’ to the- Branch Q se+veij,“one2thou$and»Iive
· lx 22 yaxid nmetyerght feet, more ‘Iess;*to. the bulkhead line ofthqfxim ii‘Rit*ei·,; thcnoewith sai bpzlkHbtdl1nesouth2_seventy- mich do 2 fifty Eftyrfom-j séooiids? east four, hundred dnd‘thii*ty¢ 6 TM; 111*2*6 ’91° Mss to the poihtfoi bcginrim , contem- ‘ ' 2n tely foiirteeh seventy-five;one·hund1c§ths acres, , _ own6n2map;niu,nbe1·ed 1212 in the cilice of the surveyorof ,*;g_*;g,“y ,m,_,_ thi pigtiacu e{eGc1umbia‘;2P&gded, Tiiat a right of alongthe my romooo. giver wv; Fégtsndlng inl,nid" E width oftwo httpd 4 'fecf rom , the oiitet ed? of the .,rive!‘2’vv•iI1_shtll retained under` the jurisdic- tio¤_fof,t%L ii‘Uéi»0Xl0{2PlAbH¢ Buildinglsand Public Parks of the N@¤<>¤·L; i>i¢¤¤;fe¢ 2<1¤~¤1¤p¤¤¢¤¤ es ¤ iwrk mdwey. ’ ‘Ap]$i·oved,·Jiihe26,‘i926. ‘ 2 , { _2 ` 4 _ Ju¤•$,19¤. /‘·»i} “5¤Tt r/Gig` ‘<2‘&c; ~ 2 ~2 » ,¥’;;.; » ·, S
g¤-—- .·iQHA!k 700.-·Ai1 Act To amend •octidn_ti‘of the2A¤t ol May 29, 1884, create
‘ 2 ·K¤gat£&~}}pms¤t¤£»A¤i¤;91 Industry, out the proviso in section 6 ot Be at enacted b the Senate and Home uf Representatives of the ,,;`,,'{i'”‘*I°°"°"B°` Umhd State: of in .O0ngn•eee aeeembled That the ygroviso °d"**—~”·P·”·°*¤°¤*’· in section 6 of the Act of M¤y229,·1884, entitled “Au Act or the 2 * A Bweu vt A¤i¤=i#lI¤d¤€¤‘y» wd hse f¤¤h·” he · , a is _h¢¤ebymp¤e1ed_é¤ that 6, aesmended, will IS 0 OWSZ _ ,2:* ,1 ns'; —
Ziiiiii _"',[‘hst no srailroa mpany within the United States, or the
g§m°f°·""°"°·°'°‘ tor irm;ter§‘o ‘~gyl;sxgni`or»2sa1'liiigt;§>r oghgr vesseléigréwlgoht, V ’i—_g_;_·,, sm} 2 »2°%_¤ie'eive· orb 2` 2 2 'oh‘*2 ** rt m_o1ie 2 , or . , it . 2to1i’h6t 'i·,oi·* ’ii1y‘ 'tbuntoi e istncto m ia, 2 2 *1%*2 uewmigoiix @1*1}* eLD·· eociuu or from the District into any State, any livestock sfected with any gi ini ` ‘ bl d' d ' lly th conta ous, ectious, or communica e iseese, an especm e