which they are willing to construct any or all or each of the aircraft, aircraft parts, and aeronautical accessories for which designs are submitted and such stated prices shall not be exceeded in the awarding of contracts contemplated by this section.
No obligation to accept submitted designs not considered of sufficient merit.(f) If the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy shall find that in his judgement none of the designs submitted in said competition is of sufficient merit to justify the procurement of aircraft, aircraft parts, or aeronautical accessories in accordance therewith, then he shall not be obligated to accept any of sch designs or to make any payment on account of any of them.If two or more designs have equal merit, etc., contracts may be divided between competitors for furnishing the aircraft, etc. If the Secretary of the department concerned shall decide that the designs submitted by two or more competitors possesses equal merit, or that certain features embodied in the designs of any competitor are superior to correspoinding features embodied in the designs of any other competitor and such features of one design may be substituted in another design, the said Secretary shall in his discretion divided the contracts for furnishing and manufacturing the aircraft, parts, or accessories required equitably among those competitors that have submitted designs of equal merit, or he may select and combine features of superior excellence in different designs in such manner as may in his judgment best serve the Government's interests and make payment accordingly to the several competitors concerned at fair and reasonable prices,Awarding of contract. awarding the contract for furnishing or constructing the aircraft, parts, or accessories to the competitor of competitors concerned that have the highest figures of merit in said competition.
If unable to make contract with winner for furnishing aircraft, etc., designs may be retained and proposals for construction be advertised.(g) In case the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy shall be unable to make contract as above authorized with a winner in said competition for furnishing or constructing aircraft, aircraft parts, or aeronautical accessories covered by the whole or part of the designs of such winner, or shall be unable to agree with a winner in the competition on a reasonable purchase price for the design of such winner with whom a contract may not be made, as aforesaid, he may retain such designs and shall advertise according to law for proposals for furnishing or constructing aircraft, or parts, or accessories, in accordance with such designs or combinations thereof as aforesaid and, after all proposals are submitted, make contract on such terms and conditions as he may consider the best in the Government's interests, with the bidder that he shall find to be the lowest responsible bidder for furnishing or constructing the aircraft, parts, or accessories required,Bids may be rejected. but the said Secretary shall have the right to reject all bids and to advertise for other bids with such other and different specifications as he may deem proper.
If after result is announced a participant make reasonable showing of error in determining merits, board of arbitration to determine the matter. (h) If, within ten days after the announcement of the results of said competition any participant in the competition shall make to the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy a reasonable showing in writing that error was made in determining the merits of designs submitted whereby such claimant was unjustly deprived of an award, the matter shall at once be referred by the Secretary of the department concerned to a board of arbitration for the determination and the finding of such board shall, with the approval of said Secretary, be conclusive on both parties. Such board of arbitration shall be composed of three skilled aeronautical engineers, one selected by the said Secretary,Composition of board. one by the claimant, and the third by those two, on one of whom shall have been a member of the board of appraisal in that competition.
Claimant that designs hereafter developed are used without compensation may file suit in Court of Claims for recovery.(i) Any person, firm, or corporation that shall complain that his, their, or its designs hereafter developed relating to aircraft or any components thereof are used or manufactured by or for any department of the Government without just compensation from either the