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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/831

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sme. I. C11. 723. 1926. 791 medieei $¤¤1t¤;m¤d_»t¤‘¢¤·txu¢nt ef bwehciaqim e¤n<1¤r.§his the ·. . C,

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curator eb cehéetwator by the laws bf the Stete,.efltem$l`J;•`:1ce 0 0 cleixueiit, b1·'is`etlie¢1:wisele§elly vested with the ea,ye,¤f`i$,lxei¢lqixi;g;ij; Bmw orihis egtate:_.l’1;ovedcd,·_·'l` _at asytoycages emsmg m  ;;D1stp;ct;of · Am., Qlpmmcgoy Columbia whepe ,`l,I1 ithe lopimon of the dxrectcrpuy gun, III; curator, $g*°,*g•;.°*g°~;_{“n“*}§_{sg; °*;¤S°F¥i*¥F¤’;$?* .‘?%°€tR¢¥é°t¤;;5~ic;¤b*{c¤8tb¤ idwivy. marie éaénumber ¤¤$¥v•¤¤¤·¥v¤¤z>¤ vw. eoceseeu , ,,.1mp U ...· o ¥’V*?P'~`°P¢¥`Y. ' ‘ itc " 'V ,` "; ns ef.the wmith ¤“ hereb. giithor§1eg:§t2§Bmg·ge° oeymeneixo s¤c$§rn;:mb¤r· 6% babes esi he `mey deem Etopep: Provgded further, That. rier to ml§'¤{"§°£i,F`{i“,b$ ygeiptl .¤f.]n¢i&i¤¢].%>!y..tbs yr; ev] *ge¤t..¤ny·?“°ht;tP9?9¤f iégunggnimch **z~ h 2 uce. 2 . ¢¤,. _, - . ‘ ¥¤°*°¤¤ :¤2°°¤¤.¤¤‘= V · §§¢¤¤v;.g;1s;Lm¢¤¤; ¤¤d¤ ieéqwch ¤¢¤¤n.;<iir¤<£= Proigiji of-Y?2‘·§.?3»‘¤‘ST-?t·'3?" {*{r*’¢¢» . hier. berm ¤¤¤.s>f,pey¤¤¤n¤¤,..¤f b¢¤¤1it¤. ¤¤<1¢¤ Tide hereof, where ¤o_ er , -cu:etnr,.9r,c0use13rutqr peneon unde;_,e\lege1 dasebilitk has a§>§01uted un er QE; we_ef.·the ” Stbic pf residence of ie clmipant, Q duector shall! _ etermme the