Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/85

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SIX’1"Y~—NINTH CGNGRESS. Suse. L CH. 27, 1926. 45 other information neeessaryrsfnr Jzhe xeriiimtion and lJ0lQ.`g3"l1`$~tl[*i(!ll ”“°‘?*‘"**· nf euchcredit. ‘»~ -  »» - · e l -_. ,. le) »F<w·lhe ·pu¤·pcses ¤£>thi¤ mmm; e·;de1nesticlcorperetig;n which ,,g;~¤c<;;;*;rO·g;·;[g;*¤,; OWH8 a majority of the yeti lgt,o4;k,qf¢ gg fm-eign w;·pq;·a,1;m¤_h—0m mmgy., which it>r¤¢¢ives dividendsD?uete»ded11ctible under Vseetion 23é)_iu any taxableyea1· shall be deemledlto have puix1·theesnme_5»1x>·;¤>rt1<>11 ta§°"f,’§x"€§K}{§_;]{’f§,"‘§ nf any income, wabprofits, or excess-profits. taxes pg.; by puqh xgzeggdwhave foreign corporation be any foreign country or to any yiossessxon of ` the United States, upon or with re ect: to themccumu ated profits of such foreign corporation from wshich such dividends were paid, which·t.he.a1i10xm§ of mmh·diwride1ids<1¤¤ez1r¤ xw the amount of such hm acmxmulxtedl profits:. Promklul, Ths4sl».tha· eredib allowed to any 1,¤mm?¤.mmmm domestic eorponticu uncle` ¢t11is~·gubéi#iei0u-lshaili hi 110 ·ca.Se exceed ”·“°""`*’· thesame pfopertiun of the izxuxesmgaimbt which sit: ia~c1*editJed,l mhleh the amount: of such d·ividetxds·lbeats,150i!t}12i`amcuuteoflthe suture net income of the domeéiric·co1·pd1·•ti¤1x·i11»»wi1li<:h vuchdividends are _ _' included, Ti1¤e¢¤r1iilf‘a,ceumulated“·pr¤fihs"·» when used in this sub- m§§'§"§§'}§E-.,§f{S_·»””""' division in lmfereazée tea foreign mrpnmhion, means thnxamount of its gains, profits, or income i11·ex<·ms=·0f the income, wuvpmfits, arid eXee¤s—pr0fitsl·taxe.s imposed upon- oc? with respect t0< such profits or income; and the·G0m¤1is§o:ier1witH·thc approval of thelSe¢retm·y (,§§x§f,;§3§§j,{‘*’“ W shall have full ·p0we1t to debcrxziine(from;the1¤xx:1muula»t·ed »g`r05t·s of what §!OIl‘~01' ~yeux:a¤ such·divi¢hu<1z;_ were paid; treathng `vidmirds paid in. the Hrsh»sixt§ d2ysl0£·•1i§7>ye¢r- as hzwing,been;-paid from the weumuixfed. ro ts of t.he"px:eee&ing year o1~iyeu·s· (unless to his satisfnctétm {shown etherwise),¢lund” in 0t;hmr» mspects treating dividends as having been paid from the mdsb recénatlylacmzmulated A ° ` l gains, profits, or esminga. A In the cme nf, a. f0mign·co1*p0ratl0x1, the ser °}°$$Erf;iL° ;¤E&}2$.S income waz:—pr0§te, and ex‘cés¤>•pm6ts t:a.xcs»0i»wh5eh s1·e‘d¤€ermined "‘”"“ F · on the lmsis of an aeccunte·ix1g·peri0d of less? than one yearytlie Word "year" Q used in this mibdivmierié lshall be construed txvmcah such BGC0l1D$iHg`:‘·)6Yi0d•`. l n ll-Z` -'r— l I ‘ V " vw l ' Curputntlons in (f) Furl. t ne punpoees of this section aueerporatiem entitled tpet.he United umm pe¤m`· benefits of section 262 or 263 shall be treated as :1 foreign c0rp0,ra— S""‘“d°'°’“°°’°""““‘ / 1 _ _ M IV T _ CORPURATIUN ·ImTURN8 » _ ‘— (`{if[\0l”iil.lU}l!\¢tUf11H. Sm 239»;»(e) Every—;.e0rpovut»i0n. suhjeetftc taxation under this m§l§}§‘}fjl$na{§{§;{‘*'°* 'tllilé shallmake a return, s$;tiug -s:pgciB(:aL[y the jmmg gf its gyogg \’e1.4u,p.:¤;7.` immmé and ythe Y d¤d\1<$liQ¤8 mud »‘c1·edits1;¤ll0wed¥ by whiz title. The return shall be sworn to by the “pre£<ideut, vice preeidenla, or et.her_ principal officer and l»y»the’b1~e.us11ret;0m·. assistant treasurer. Fm} D with D0 If any foreign corporation has no office or place of businm in the Alueriusih bmw. United States but lhssm;1 ngcntlin theyUnit<>d ¥Sb¤¤qs, the nxetm-n — ~ _she11,be, the~agenl;.;— In caseswwhere receivers, truaseqs in €$"*’°"“'7"’ "“’”‘”‘ bankruptcy, or assignees are operating the‘p1—0p¢;11y·01~ business of mrpomtimw, seek receivers, trustees, or, sssignees shall make re- inms :6011 such corporations inthe s¤uie·m¤¤·¤er..amd £6:m~as‘c0rpo- . rations are required tllillllhkd returns. due on the basis C°B°`°°°°““”*" of sueh, vetumslgmade by meceiveas, txfmglees, or wsssiguees A shall be collected jx; tlzeepme meumer as if oellecikid {Wm the mrpcmticixs of §h0$eA:us1nes¤m>x— px:0€{»erlg’;th¢y.heve; custc»dy—•nd c<>ntml.l, ~ ._ ( mB·dQ HH QP ‘1S:S€¥<3t·10H be ‘t·0· ¢b¤··‘pl•0- §°§KgJi§";°, pu; vxsxons qf.sect10m226» llzntlw abveturn made farm °’° YW- pnrtgzef vv ·y¤¤ng>e¢x¢¤pt~a miaumllmade ‘·unde¤l.sul¤1imio¤l (nl) of .9QCC!9R_x Nw ;¢¥?¢di!$':DIOY;id¢dl $.11, Sl1bdi\¥i8jQ¤‘i(h5· of. »t¤¢tlie¤~B8·6 shall be redlueed to am amount which bears the same ratio to the full credit./therein; pmyided as xbe zmmberloilmontbaehin the period ~ ~ for which the return is made bears to twelve months. N ,` _N_ it ¥>._Y, ,_:§  ; `;`;.;:.U._` IM ' _ ,-iq ’ s~ J,