PARCEL Posr CONVENTION—NETHERLANDS. 2489 riiling, or damage occurred in the service of the receivinghdmim istl‘§ti'(l`Ili `b h f l 1 k i l` S°“" “*’°“""‘° . e res ns1 i 'ty 0 roper y enc osing, pac ing, anpibea in m°§,' cgu registered andxinsured parcdls rests upon the sender, and t postsg iii- p pe Y pn gi service of neither country will assume liability for loss arising from defects which may not be observed at the time of posting. XIII. Transit Parcels. Tmumparcm 1. Each Administration guarantees the right of transit over its g¤§}§iiie¤¤°if mm territory, to or from any country with which it has parcel—post com- mimication, of parcels originating in or addressed for delivery in the territory of the other contracting Administration. Nommmcn 0, com 2. Each Administration shall inform the other to which countries mes. parcels may be sent through it as intermediary. C0udm°nmbmm_ 3. To be accepted for onward transmission, parcels sent by one of plied wml. the contracting Administrations through the service of the other Administration must comply with the conditions prescribed from time to time by the intermediary Administration. 4. The amounts to be allowed in respect to parcels sent from one mt"' of the contracting countries to the other for onward transmission to a possession of either country or to a third country shall be fixed by the intermediate Administration. s Check by omce ot ex- XIV. Check oy Ofice of Exchange. change 1. On the recei t of a Parcel Mail, the receiving Olliee of Ex- oniiiiiy °l r°°°m°g change shall checE it. The registered and insured parcels must be carefully compared with the accompanying bills. Any discrepancies or irregularities noted shall be immediately reported to the despatch- ing Oihce of Exchange by means of a bulletin of verification. If report is not made prompt y, it will be assumed that the Mail and the accompanying bills were in every respect in proper order. 2. In the qse of any discrepancies or irregularities in a Mail, such ci§f’°°”d °I ‘m°'°p°°' record shall be kept as will permit of the furnishing of information regarding the matter in connection with any subsequent investigation or claim for indemnity which may be made. D H dw 3. If a parcel bill is missing a duplicate shall be made out and a up °°t°°°r° l ' copy sent to the despatching Oilice of Exchange from which the despatch was received. Nom 0, dam 8 4. Registered and insured parcels bearing evidence of violation or ac. 8 g' damage must have the facts noted on them and be marked with the stamp of the Office making the note, or a document drawing atten- tion to the violation or damage must be forwarded with the parcels. X V. Fees for Delivery and for Custom.? Formaliziies. Demurrage F°” Oharges. ‘ 1. The Administration of the country of destination may collect F°"`”°°m°d°u°°”° from the addressees, for delivery and for the fulfilment of Customs formalities, a charge not exceedin 10 cents gold for each parcel, and an additional delivery charge of §ke amount for each time a parcel 18 presented at the residence of the addressee after one unsuccessful presentation. . 2. Each Administration may impose reasonable storage or demur- D°'¤¤¤*¢°- rage charges in case the addressee fails to accept delivery of any parcel within such reasonable time as is prescribed by the Adminis- tration of destination. Any such charges shall be cancelled in the event of the return of the parcel to the country of origin.