PARCEL POST CONVENTION—+NETHERLANDS. .2491 If the sender avails himself of thisfaedity, his request must ap ear on. the parcel or on a Customs Declaration attached to or stuclgon the parcel and must be in conformity with or- analogous to one of the ollowing forms: . " If not deliverable, asaddressed ........... ‘ Abandon} " · " If not deliverable ‘as addressed ........... ‘ Deliver to ...... ;’ " 3. Except as otherwise. ovided undeliverable reels, will be T”’*$ '°' ’°}“’§“" returned to the sendersat The expiration of thirt pda s from the mm md pa wl. date of receipt at the post oilice of destination, whilb regised parcels will be returned at once, theparoels in each case to be marked to show the reason fo1· non-delivery. 4. Articles liable to deterioration or corruption, and these only, ,,8I,]}g¥;gg},tg{,0;*;'{}g}_“ may, however, be sold immediately even on the outward or return ` journey, without previous notice or judicial formality for the benefit of the right party. If for any reason a sale is impossible, the spoilt or worthless articles shall be destroyed. The sale or destruction shall be recorded and report made to the Administration of ori 'n. Sam, nd,,abm_ 5. Undeliverable parcels which the sencilr has marked "Abandon " ¤0¤.·· um mag be sold at auction at the expiration of thirty days, but in case su disposition is made of registered or insured parcels {proper record will be made and the Administration of origin notiiie as to the diiposition made of the arcels. The Administration of origin shall so be notified when ibr any reason a registered or insured parcel which is not delivered is not returned to the country of origin. XX. Ouctoma Oluwgea to be Oeuwelled. °“’°°““°°"“°" Provided the formalities prescribed by the Customs authorities d.§§'$§°.l£°.i{’§i'°“”°°‘ concerned are fulfilled, the customs charges properly so-called, on parcels destroyed, sent back to the country of origin or redirected to another country shall be cancelled both in the Iiingdom of The Netherlands and in the United States of America. i XXI. Retrammésaioiz. R°°¤¤¤¤*°¤*°¤· Missent ordinary parcels shall be forwarded to their destination m}Q;°p’,{§,‘g’,_‘°' °'°'· by the most direct route at the disposal of the reforwarding Admin- istration, but must not be marked with customs or other charges by the reforwarding Administration. Missent registered or insured ,,{‘,f,‘}{§&_" '°°"°°'°“ parcels shall not be reforwarded to any foreign country, in the absence of special agreement to the contrary, but shall be returned to country of origin, in the same kind of mail as received. XXII. Receptacles. R°°"""‘°'°" Each Administration shall girovide the bags necessary for the ,,£""°°°"'°"°°°’ despatch of its parcels. The ags shall be returned empty to the country of origin by the next Mail. Empty bags shall be made up in bundles of ten (nine bags enclosed in one) and the total number of such bags shall be advised on the parcel bill. XXIII. Accowiting. Aewuntins- _ 1. Each Administration shall prepare quarterly an account show- mgxmgeriv ¤<><¤>¤¤¤<»f mg the sums due for parcels sent by the other Administration for S °°` onward transmission. ` 2. These accounts-shall be submitted to the examination of the ’1`i¤¤¤*°*¤¤b¤*¢¤¤S· corresponding Administration in the course of the month which follows the quarter to which they relate.