2500 PAN AMERICAN—TRADE MARKS. Arm 28, 1923. Anrxctm XVII Duntrcn. The.Inter American Bureaus shall continue so long as not less than bcniquidsricn iiougm- one half of the ratifyingstates adhere to the Convention. If, the miataswz. °“ number of States adhering to the Convention shall become lessthan half, the Bureaus shall e liquidated under the· direction of the Governments of Cuba and Brazil, and their fimds shall be distributed among the adhering countries in the same proportion as they would have contributed to their sugmort. The buildings and other tangible property of the Bureaus sh become the property of `the Govem- ments of Cuba and Brazil, risgectively, in recognition of the services of those Republics in Saving ect to the Convention, it being under- stood that the said vernments shall dedicate such property to purposes preeminently inter American in character. - - d8{]g<I=$P°*°°° °' “°“" The High Contracting Parties agree to acc?t as Enal any steps ` which may be taken for the liquidation of the ureaus. ,¤$¢gg§,g§uQ¤‘;? gy; The termination of the Convention shall not affect rights acquired muon. during the period of its effectiveness. Aarxcmn XVIII m£·i¢r¤¤¤¤¤ 0* <¤¤¤¤· Any diiiferences between the contracting States relative_ to the ` interpretation or excution of this Convention shall be decided by arbitration. -¤¤·¤¤*=· APPENDIX mguimem. Regulations mépggg¤°g¤¤=f¤r¤M Article I. Any! application to obtain protection under the Con- ' vention of whic t e present appendix is a part shall be made by the owner of the mark or his legal representative to the administra- tion of the State of first registration or deposit, in the manner pre- scribed by the respective regulations, accompanied by a money order payable to the Director of the proper Inter American Bureau in the sum required by this Convention. His application and money order shall be accompanied by an electrotype of the mark reproduc- ing it as registered in the State of first registration or deposit, and léaving the dimensions required in the State of first registration or e OSIE. ‘ . Bgg¤_{¤u¤¤¤1¤¤¤¤ *¤ Krticle II. The administration of the State of Hrst registration ' or deposit, having ascertained that the registration of the· mark 18 regular and in force, shall send to the Inter American Bureau: A. The money order; B. The electrotype of the mark; C. A certificate in duprlicate containing the following details: 1. The name and ad ess of the owner of the mar ; P°"· l’·m"· 2. The date of the application for registration in the State of first registration or deposit; 3. The date of registration of the mark in the State of first regis- tration or de osit; 4. The order number of the registration in the State of first regis- tration or deposit; 5. The date of expiration of the protection of the mark in the State of 'xirsltmragistration or deposit; 6. A facs` ` e of the mark; . 7.` A statement of thc Eoods on which the mark is used; _ 8. The date of the app cation for recognition of the rights claimed under the Convention. ‘ Should the applicant wish to claim color as a distinctive element of his mark, he shall send thirty copies of the mark printed on paper. showing the color, and a brief description of the same.