2576 PROCLAMATIONS, 1925. ing the time for the establishment of such service, and deferring the igggcation of the coastvise laws to the Virgin Islands, until May 1, ..?e‘%;F§%$°re‘§i.‘2”%‘.€ e Now, ·'I‘HEEBEI•`ORE,» 1, ouvre ceeuuge, President or the §§{"}§§,_ ‘° D°°°“*’°' United.States‘of under andzyirtue ct the authority ve¤.c,p.mc. conferred npoazme by tion 21 of the ve mentioned Act, do mu. 1>v·¤¤¤·¤°*· hereby that the period for the establishment of an adequate ce with the afores•id»Virgin Islands be fur- therextendedz ‘· ay 1 1925, to December 31, 1925;
- .§.?,'Z,'*?;‘L,,,'§,'T{’,,‘§§j AND INASMUOH as the extension of the coastwise laws of the
if- ` UnitedStates to the Virgin Islands, as provided in- Section 21 of the p2';,‘:,’,_“;2;9°f*,¤1_ "Mercl1ant ·M*arine Act, 1920 " is dependent upon the establishment of an»adequate’sh1p`§>mg service tosuchl island possession, I do hereby furtherwan declare that the extension of thecoastwise laws of the Stlgteglto ge Virgin Islands is deferred from May 1, 1925to‘ecemr ,15; IN W’ITNESSe WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. - DONE at the city of Washington this twentydifth day of April, in the year of our Lor , One Thousan Nine Hundred and [sun.] Twenty-five, and of the Indgpendence of the United States · of America the One Hxmdr and Forty-ninth. Canvm Coonmca By tl}r¢;i’resicéent: sx sKm.r.oo¤ ecreta 0 tate. S ry f S
Br rms Pnnsmnrrr or ·r1m_U1srrm> Srarns or Anmmcs
A PROCLAMATION. I-,YQ,§,,°°‘€,?‘,§,?,,}`l°**°“‘ Whereas an Executive order effective July 1, 1921, included in the §g;¤¤;,¤¤¤-mo Wenatchee National Forest a portion of the area transferred there- ' ’°' ' from by proclamation dated June 28, 1910, and V0, ,2, P mo hWhere&s, it appears that ceirtg.•in1an<%)s;’rwité1inléc;1‘r§3 areasdescribed ' ' ' teact a°rove tem 2, 42 tat.,1036, which have been foundjgo be chi%%y valuable for national forest pur- goses, shgvuld be added to the enatchee National Forest in the tate ’o ,ashm' gtcn; ‘ i r ’*“’°‘°°°"“°"· Now, therefore, I, CALVIN OOOLIDGE, President of 'the United States of America, byvirtue of the power in me vested by the aforesaid act of Congress, ent1tled,"‘An Act For the inclusion o certain lands in the WenatchesiNationa1 Forest, the Olympic National Forest, and the Snoqualmie National Forest, all in the State or tWashi$$ton, and for other %xrposes", do proclaimthat the boundaries of the enatchee National crest are herebygrlganged to include the areasindicated as p.-re, 1.,,] me ng; additions onthe diagram to annexed and forming a part hereof. °"°°‘°‘* 'I‘he withdrawal made by this proclamation shall, as toiall lands which are at date embraced in any valid existing entry under the pubhc land laws or reserved for any puhhc urpose, e subject to, and shall not `interfere with or defeat egal rights imder such entry, nor prevent the use for suchpublictpurpose of ands so reserved, so long as Fwmx ,,,,},,1,,,,,,, such entry is legally mamtaine or such reservation remains in force.
- °'°*•°· And I do proclaim that Executive Order N 0. 3819 of April 9,
V0, my P mc 1923, withdrawn? certain lands in aid of the classification contem- ` ` plated bythe sai act of September 22 1922, is hereby revoked in so ar as it, alfects the follo ' described lands: s s ` In T. 20 N;, R. 17 E., M., NE}4 NE}{·Sec. 10, W% W% NE}; andE}»§ NEM NW9; Sec. 15;