2578 PROCLAMATIONS, 1925. theuse such public purposepf lands so reserved, so long as such pppropriation is egally niamtamed, or suohi reservation remains in ...’.:*...*§%,·•2•,‘*$*..,•** _~ ana 1 dqmeaggmatsm me make known that pursuant wrub. ¥’;,‘f‘}:,, '·"°, ‘?’° No. of February 14, 1920 (41 Stat., 434), as amended nys. adage; vu. by Resolutions Nos. 36 and 79, approved Januar; 21 and December "" ‘ 28, 1922, (42 Stat. 8 , .1067), it is ereby ordered that the pubhe lands in e excluded areas, subject to valid r5hts and the pmvmions of, ' ' withdrawals,·shall be opmed 0 y to en undertlie applicable omestead laws requmng residence by ualitied §·B6I'Y|.00‘D16!1i0f the warwith Germany, under the terxm antd condi-
and the regulatgmthissued thalrsiénger, gr a
peri _ mnety-one ixmnmg wi e six - a cm agdbgiimmkm and after the date hereolr thereafter to agpmptgiation umir any public 1• ble thereto the gene public. Subsequent ‘ to the kiatr and prior to e date oflrestoration to general disposition aeherein provided, no-rights maybe acquired to the ex- clu ed lands by settlement in advance of entry, or otherwise, except Bh'l<lY$_kl·&0U0l'lI&l108·'I1.01‘0WltIl. sc: yl ¤ a . i In itness whereof, I have.hereunto¤set myhand and caused the
S§"*»$..i.......*°"°`““"i..‘l·. 2.i..*’ .1. .¢ M - i..
e n a -m e ear ·‘ ~ of =our lanrd onevthodsand nine hunched anrlytwentygve, [sun.] and of the ndence of the United States of America " ‘ ‘ the one hun and forty·ninth. C nvm Ooouznon By the President: 1 Faam: B Kmmoee Secretary of State.
Br run Pansmnrvr or TEQVUNITED Srxrns or Aimmoa
°“°°°m°°` Whereas; since the issuance of the thirdproclamation on February
WL ,,_“;,,,,_ 7, 1922,‘=oertain lands theretofore occupied for fish casnnery purposes have from the·Tcngass National Forest, within the '1’en·itoryof¤A1aska, by Executive orders dated February 28 and July 27,'é:23, Noéember 7,1:234; and 30, 1925;5gdb6 tod b ·· mpears tte; 'good wo prom' o y adding lfnds to- such natigiial forest and excluding several small·taects·therefrom, withdrawing a portion o the exclu ed area for and restoring the public lands subject to disposition in the remainder to entry by sx-service men in advance of the general ‘ public in accordance with · - · mmm nsw, emms,;1» oatvm L1i>em,rrtsaae¤t¤1.t1.tU¤ata1 "°’· ’°~ ** “°°· saws pr Amaa¤a,.t{{ve·cuer of the- power in me vested by the wt or
it _ —ed‘ arch 3 1891 (26 Stat., 1095), entitled, "An
v°l‘ °°' °' °°' Act o re ber—culture laws, and for other purposes", and also b the act of Congressa roved June-4, 1897 (30 Stat., 11 at 34 and Bé, entitled, "A.n Act Elaking ap ropriations for sundry civil ex- penses of the Govemment for the Escal (year ending June thirtxeth, eighteen hundred and ninety-ei ht, an for other pnr¥_>ses", do roclaim that _the boundaries of the Tongass National crest are hereby changed to include the areas indicatedas additions plpon the diagram hereto annexed and forming a part hereof and to ex ude the vm md- areas indicated thereon as eliminations: rzueywguesm Prpvided, that this proclamation shall not be so construed as to ‘“$E,‘f‘{g, ,_ M deprive any person of any vahd right possessed xmder the Treaty for