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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1156

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2582 1=aocLAMyr1oNs, 1925.

 Br rm: _Panamnm-or rn Um·mnrSrra·ms or Amuuoa

A PROCLAMATION N°°’°°“ N°“°"“ ·· it appears, that the ublic good will be romoted b Forest, Nebr. _ 1 rmmbie. bggiiglin apubliis ownership from the- Nebraskx o crest, in e _ · s ‘ g t$,§f‘,%{‘§‘,{’%,§P“· L Now; therefore, I, (DOLIDGE, President of the United States of America, by virtueoffthe power in me vested by the act of Congress approved une fourth,-ef teen hundred and ninety-seven (30 tait;,`¤11 at 84 and 36), entitl ""*An Act Making-zppropriations forsimdry civil egpenses of the Government for the {iso (year ending June thirtieth,_ hteenvhundred and ninety·eig1hIt* can for other purposes, " do that the boundaries of the elbraska National orest are here y ehsngled to exclude the areas indicated as elimina- tions u on the ereto annexed and forming a part hereof. IN' I IQEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and use *h°a¢·*@5“*z9vmsh*d.,Sgw“*e;·; b:h·25·m& A..g.,, h oneat e t 0 ' _n ' 4 ayo tint eyear · of our Illord one thousand nine hundred and twenty·§ve, [1] hid of tge die}·i1pe cg; the United States of America e one un an tre . — _ Canvm Coousnon By the President: i Fzaamr B Knuioso Secretary of State.

 Br rim Pamsmrmr or rmx:. Unrmn Srarms or Aincmca

A PROCLAMATION Fort Niagara Na- ° ‘ ' ,,,,,,,,1 M°,,,,,,,,,,,_ , b section 2 of an Act of a roved June 8, N 8 1906 (34 Stat. 22%), the President was authorized "1i)1Phis discretion Vol.34,p:225. to declare by pubhq proclamation historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific mterestgthat are situatedlcripon the lands owned or controlled by the Governmenteof the Uni States to besnational monuments, and may reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all cases,shall,be,_confined to t e smallest area compatible with the p and management of the objects to be protected";

   Father_Millett, a French esuit Priest who

came to Canada-ethen known as New France--in 1667, and who served about fifteen years as a missionary amo the Onondaga and Oneida within what is nowthe State oilgl ew York, and sub- sequently, became a chaplain in the French Colonial Forces, first at Fort Frontenac and later at Fort Niagara, did, on Good Friday, 1688, erect and dedicate a cross on what is now the Fort Niggara

 Reservation; and the Kuiggits of Columbus of the 1xth

New ork District have requested t at a suitable site be set apart thereog fonéttlie ereftgonlpf gnoigiegl cross commemorative of the cross erecte an esse at er ` ett; . , A _- mg:g:j1*;¤¤**¤ fmm NOW THEREFOFE, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United ` States of America, under authority of the said Act of Congress do hereb reserve as a site for the said monument, the following described parcefof land situated within the limits of the military reservation of Fort Niagara, New York, and do hereby declare and proclaim the same to be a national monument to commemorate the cross erected