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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/19

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LIST OF TREATIFS AND CONVENTIONS. Arbitration convention with Sweden. Signed at Washington, June 24, 1924; proclaimed, ?•l•· March 18, 1925 ................................................................. 1993 Treaty with Cuba for adjustment of ownership of Isle of Pines. Signed at Washington, March 2, 1904; proclaimed, March 24, 1925 ........................................ 1997 ktradition treaty with Finland. Signed at Helsinglors, August 1, 1924; proclaimed, March 24, 1925 ................................................................. 2002 Agreement with the Netherlands as to sovereignty of island of Palmas. Signed at Wash- mgton, January 23, 1925; roclaimed, April , 1925 ................................. 2007 Convention with the Nethergnds to prevent smugglingzof intoxicating liquors. Signed at Waahington, August 21 1924; proclaimed, Agril , 1 5 ............................. 2013 Extradition treaty with liumania. Signed at uchareat, July 23, 1924; proclaimed, April 14 1925 ..................... r ................................................. 2020 Pan American Sanitary Convention. Signed at Habana, November 14, 1924; proclaimed, April 28, 1925 .................................................................. 2031 Convention with American §etpubli¢:s;o;·`_’e;·§ablishing ons of 2070 in‘.Signeda aahmgton' ,eruary ;proclaim,une .......... Postcdlmry t with Mexico for collect on deiivery service. Signed at Mexico City, June 26, 1952, at Washington; July, 11, 1925; approved by the President, July 15 1925 ...... 2079 Convention with Great B tain as to Canada to prevent smuggling. Signed at Washington, June 6, 1924; proclaimed, July 17 1925- ........................................... 2097 Extradition convention with Great liritain as to Canada, adding narcotic tratlic olfenses to extraditable crimes. Signed at Washington January 8, 1925; proclaimed, Jul; 17, 1925--- 2100 Boirégary treaty witl¥1ulGr1iaIt as to Chnada. Signed at Washington, ebruary 24, 2102 1 · proclaim] y .-....--..-...--.-.--....---.-...- - ...-....-..-.... 'l‘reaty,a.nd grotocol with dreat Britain to regulate the level of the Lake of the Woods. Signed at ashington, February 24, 1925;(proclaimed, July 17, 1925 --..-...-......... 2108 Intirnatiomtgty concerning China. Sign at Washington, February 6, 1922; proclaimed, 2113 International treaty relating to Chinese customs tariff. Signed at Washington, February 6, 1922; proclaimed, Ayust 5, 1925 .-.....-....-.....-.-----.-.-..-.-----.....-..-.- 2122 Treaty with Germany friendship commerce, and consular rights. Signed at Washington, December 8, 1923; proclaimed, (Jctober 14, 1925 ........-...-............-.-........ 2132 Convention with Dominican Republic with rezgct to its customs revenues. Signed at Washington, December 24, 1924; proclaimed tober 26, 1925 .....................-- 2162 Parcel m convention with Cuba. Signed at 'Washington, October 31, 1925; approved by the 'dent November 2, 1925 .....-...-..--......-............................. 2169 Convention with Great Britain rights in Palestine. Signed at London, December 3, 1924; proclaimed, December 5, 1 ...--....-.-...--.-...........-............. 2184 Convention with Dominican Republic ratifying agreement of evacuation. Signed at Santo Domingo, June 12, 1924; proclaimed, December 8, 1925 ........... - ................. 2193 Claims agreement with Austria and Hungary. Signed at Washington, November 26, 1924; ratiiications exchanged, December 12 925 -..............-....... - ................. 2213 Parcel post convention with Latvia. Signed at Riga, January 30, 1924, at Washington, December 12, 1925; approved by the President, December 15 1925 -......--.......... 2216 Universal Postal Convention. Signed at Stockholm, August 28, 1924; approved by the Prddent, March 24, 1925 ...- ----.. .......---.--..----............................ 2221 Postal convention with Newfoundland. Sigied at St. John’s, January 30, 1926, at Wash- c....""""L: ‘°°"*£‘£i’i *9* “£°‘ °""‘é"°" Q...·‘ ° '°§°?"’°‘ii; F°i$“°{3' 1%-‘°Z4?"sw"h·.*.‘m ‘‘‘‘ 2353 ven onwn enco reven smu gan oro ero yec . a as n December 23, 1925; procgimed, March 18 1926 ---..-..-......... I? ............... I 2358 Extradition treaty with Czechoslovakia. Signed at Prague, July 2, 1925; proclaimed, l.%*?'°£ ”· ‘°”°·"e‘=za‘r’e ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 12:. ‘‘‘‘ s =".a"zwv‘..»..·‘=¤·,..n ···· se 1;.;.i:;r12sr m' xraonagreemenwi ouguese puc. igna r, ; proclaimed A ril 16, 1926 -... - -......--........-.-......---..... ’ --3 ............. 2376 Treaty with of friendslir, commerce and consular rights. Signed at Washington, S °°°H......."°‘ ”· §;’.?.ii..*z’°°"i‘;;..,,; “‘*¥».“’% ······· a ········ I mer *’“’° u p tar; non wi u ngn a abana, anuary ; groclaimed une 19, 1926 ..-.......--.-.-.-..-.-.---.....-................ I ..-.,. 2392 Convention with Cuba to prevent of intoxicating liquors. Signed at Habana, March 4, 1926%proclaimed, June 19, .-....-.-..-..-.... - .........,....,_...... 2395 Convention with uba for suppression of smuggling, etc. Signed at Habana, March 11, 1926; proclaimed, June 19, 1926 -....-.........................,,. L .________,___________ 2402

 extradition convention with Mexico. Signed at Washington, December 23,
proclaimed, July 1 1926- -...-...-.-..-....................,__.,_.____.._.__ 2409

Parcel post convention with Irish Free State. Signed at Dublin, April 23, 1926, at Wash- ington, May 6, 1926; approved, May 10, 1926 .....-................................ 2412 xix