Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1291

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. II . Cx: 270 . 1929. which amount not to exceed $72,500 may be expended for personal Physical vahlat;on of services in the District of Columbia, railroads .

Valuation of property of carriers : To enable the Interstate Com- Vol. 37, p. 701;

01- 40, p. 271; Vol. 42, p. merce Commission to carry out the objects of the Act entitled "An 6ISsue of stocks, etc. Act to amend an Act entitled 'An Act to r egulate commerce,' approved February 4, 1887, and all Acts amendatory thereof," by providing for a valuation of the several classes of property of car- riers subject thereto and securing information concerning their stocks, bonds, and other securities, approved March 1, 1913 (U . S . C ., pp . 1667-1668, sec . 19a), including one director of valuation at $10,000 per annum, one supervisor of land appraisals, one supervis- ing engineer, one supervisor of accounts, and one principal valuation examiner at $9,000 each per annum, and traveling expenses, $2,043,000, together with $497,000 of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1928 : Provided, That th is app ropria tion s hall n ot be availab le for rent of bui ldings in the District of Columbia if suitable space is provided by the Public Buildings Commission . For all printing and binding for the Interstate Commerce Com- mi ssion, inclu ding r eports in al l case s propo sing g eneral chang es in transportation rates and not to exceed $10,000 to print and furnish to the States at cost report form blanks, and the receipts from such reports and blanks shall be credited to this appropriation, $107,000, together with $68,000 of the unexpended balance of the appropria- tion for this purpose for the fiscal year 1928 : Provided, That no part of this sum shall be expended for printing the Schedule of Sailings required by section 25 of the Interstate Commerce Act . Not to exceed $5,000 of the appropriations herein made for the Interstate Commerce Commission shall be available for expenses, except membership fees, for attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the commission . Total, Interstate Commerce Commission, $7,548,825 . NA TIONAL ADVI SORY COMMIT TEE FOR AE RONAUT ICS For scientific research, technical investigations, and special reports in the field of aeronautics, including the necessary laboratory and technical assistants ; contracts for personal services in the making of specia l inve stigat ions a nd in the pr eparati on of specia l repo rts

traveling expenses of members and employees ; including not to exceed $500 for expenses, except membership fees, of attendance upon meetings of technical and professional societies ; office supplies and other miscellaneous expenses, including technical periodicals and books of reference ; equipment, maintenance, and operation of the Langle y Memorial Aeronautic al Laboratory

not to exceed

$30 ,000 for the c onstr ucti on of a co mbin ed he ating plan t, s tore- house, and garage ; not to exceed $525,000 toward the construction of a wind tunnel suitable for the conduct of research on full-sized airplanes, for which construction the National Advisory Committee for Aerona utics is aut horize d to e nter in to con tract or con tracts to an amount of not exceeding $900,000 ; purchase, maintenance, opera- tion, and exchange of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles ; personal services in the field and in the District of Columbia ; in all, $1,277,200, together with $7,800 of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1928, of which amount not to exceed $97,160 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . For all printing and binding for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, including all of its offices, laboratories, and services loca ted in Washi ngton, Distr ict of Columb ia, an d else where, $15 . 00 0 . Total , Nat ional Adv isory Comm itte e for Aero nauti cs, $1,29 2,200 . U.S. Code, p. 1667. Offic ials . Balance available . Vol . 44, p. 1078. Proviso. Rent restriction, D . C. Printing and bind- ing . Balance available . Vol . 44, p. 1078. Provise. Schedul e of Sailing s excepted . Vol. 41, p. 498. Attendance at meet- ings . National Advisory Committee on Aero- nautics . All expen ses, scien- tific research, etc . Attendance at meet- ings . Langley Laboratory . Win d tunnel c on- tract . Services in the field and District . Balance available . Vol.44,p.1079. Printing and bind- ing.