SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. I . CRS. 125,128,129. 1928. 1707 principles ~nd under. the same !lleasures of li&;bility as in like cases PrOIMoI between prIvate partIes, and with the same rIghts pf appeal: Pro- No~lce'to AttorDey 'fJitUd, That such notice of the suit shall be given to the Attorney General. General of the United States as may be provided by order of the said court, and upon such notice it shan the duty of the Attorney General to cause the United States attorney in such district to appear and defend for the United States: P'r01lided fu,rther That such suit Commencement cl shan be begun within four months of the date of the ~pproval of this II1It. Act. Approved, March 3, 1928. March II, 11128 . OBAP. 1IS.- An Act To provide relief for the victims of the airplane accident [H. R . 4821.] at Lansin Field, Moundsville, West Virginia. [PrIvate, No. ".1 , B~ it 6"NMJted by the Senate and H0UB6 of Re~68e'1l.t<Uives of the Uftit8d, Statu of A~ in Oongre,8B lf88tmWled, ~at the Secretary M~!d:v\{te, ~~tr~d, of War be, and he 18 hereby, authorized and directed to make a _ thorough invest~~!ion of the merits of the claims which have been etTarmstroBot (talk)o~::TarmstroBot (talk) submitted dto the Wdar thDepartment inal ~ri~ing, fnor codmpenshationbeefor =1:~~tet~~ be in- property amage, ea ,or pen;on mlury a ege to ave n ' cauSed by the aIrplane accident at Langill Field, Moundsville, West Virginia, on July 10, 1921, and to transmit each such claim with supporting papers and a report of his findiIuz of facts and recom- mendations thereon to the cOmptroller GenerBl of the United States e:.e~~:~atiOns, for submission to the Congress with his recommendations thereon: .Anu, p. 1 '-1 '. . Pro-vided, That claims on account of disability or death resulting to=U~. from personal injury sustained in said accident by persons not officers or employees of the United States shall not be recommended here- under for persons or in amounts which would not be allowable under the United States Employees' Compensation Act if the individual Vol. 30, p. m . killed or injured were an employee of the United States: PrO'tJided Character otreport. further, That the report to be made hereunder shall contain a. brief statement of the "character and justice of each claim so certified, the amount claimed, and the amount found due. Approved, March 5, 1928. March 6, IG28 . CHAP. 129.- An Act For the relief of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of [H. R . 6925.1 Maryland. [Private, No. 26.) Be it erwcted by the Senate and H ouae of 1l~esentative8 of the United Statu of America in o.ongre88 lrJJ8emble4, That the .Secretary c!TarmstroBot (talk)ar:,1 D=~ of the Treasury be, and he IS hereby, authOrIzed and dIrected to Jan~ t! fJ redeem, without interest, in favor of the Fidelity and Deposit Com- certlf!:'~o~~3eb~ pan'y of Maryland, 41;2 per cent United States Treasury certificates DeS801. of mdebtedness numbered 9415 and 9416, in the denomination of $500 each, and numbers 18067, 18068, and 18069, in the denomination of $1,000 each, series TD-1922, issued December 15, 1921, matured December 15, 1922; also to redeem without interest 3%, per cent United States Treasury certificates of indebtedness, numbered 1048, and 1049, in the denomination of $500 each, series TJ-1923, issued June 15, 1922, matured June 15, 1923; the said certificates "having been lost, stolen, or destroyed: Provided z That the said certificates ~on. of indebtedness shall not have been prevIously presented and paid: And p7'O'lJidd f'lJlrther, That the said Fidelity and Deposit Company Indemnity bol1d. of Maryland shall first file in the Treasury Department a. bond in the penal sum of double the amount of the principal of said certifi- cates of indebtedness in such form and with such sureties as may