Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1026

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983 For remodeling and enlarging infirmary building, including additional equipment, $8,000, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for 1 9 30 "For extens ion of three ward bu ild- ings and dining room," such work to be performed by day labor or otherwise in the discretion of the commissioners . For extension of water mains and installation of fire hydrants for completing necessary fire protection, $3,000 . For pur chase and installati on of elec trical equi pment, $25 ,000 . For purchase and exchange of one three-ton motor truck, $2,800 . For purchase and exchange of farm tractor, $1,000 . MUNICIPAL LODGING HOUSE AND WOOD YARD Mun ici pal lo dg ing For personal services, $3,660 ; maintenance, $3,000 ; in all, $6,660 .

house . TEMPORARY 1-1031E FOR UNION EX-SOLDIERS AND SAI LORS (DEPARTMENT OF THE POTOMAC, G. A. R.) Grand Army sol - For personal services, $4,740 ; maintenance, $9,200 ; and repairs to diers, etc ., temporary buildings and grounds, including not to exceed $1,500 for furnish- home . ing and installing fire escape, $2,000 ; in al l, $15,940, to be e xpended under the direction of the commissioners ; and Union ex-soldiers, sailors, or marines of the Civil War, ex-soldiers, sailors, or marines of the Spanish War, Philippine insurrection, or China relief expe- dition, and soldiers, sailors, or marines of the World War or who served prior to July 2, 1921, shall be admi tted to the ho me, all under the supervision of a board of management . FLORENCE CRI'1IBNTON HO ME For care and maintenance of women and children under a contract to be made with the Florence Crittenton Home by the Board of Public Welfare, maintenance, $5,000 . SOUTHERN RELIEF SOCIETY For care and maintenance of needy and infirm Confederate vet- e rans, their w idows a nd depe ndents, reside nts in the Dis trict o f Columbia, under a contract to be made with the Southern Relief Society by the Board of Public Welfare, $10,000 . NA TIO NAL LIBR ARY FOR THE BL IND For aid and support of the National Library for the Blind, located the Blind National Library for at 1800 D Street northwest, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, $6,500 . COLUMBIA PO LYTECHNIC INSTILL I' E To aid the Columbia Polytechnic Institute for the Blind, located ale Insttiitute . Polyt°oh- at 1808 H Street northwest, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, $3,000 . Saint


Hospital. Support of District For support of indigent insane of the District of Columbia in insane . Saint Elizabeths Hospital, as provided by law, $1,715,472 . Remodeling, etc ., in- firmary building . Vol. 45, p. 1293. Fire protec tion . Electric installation, etc . Motor truck . Farm t ractor . Hope and Help Mis- sion . Southern Relief So . ciety for needy Con- federate Veterans .