SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 862. 1930 .
1015 Fort Jay, New York : Nurses' quarters, $25,000 ; noncommissioned Fort Jay, N. Y. officers' quarters, $400,000 ; officers' quarters, $184,000 . Jefferson Barracks, Missouri : Noncommissi oned officers' quarters, n Jefferson Barracks, $13,000 . Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, Arm and Navy General AHrkot Springs Hospital, Hospital : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, 25,000 . Langley Field, Virginia : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, Langl ey Field, Va . $340,000 ; noncommissioned officers' service club, $40,000 ; officers' qu arte rs, $750 ,000 ; ba rrac ks, $510 ,720 ; gua rdhouse, $40,000 ; ga r a ge , x 50,000 ; theater, $45,000 ; post exchange, $15,000 ; gymnasium, $40,000 ; magazine, $20,000 . Fort Lewis, Washington : Officers' quarters, $250,000.
Fort Lewis, Wash . Letterman General Hospital, California : Hospital wards Lett erman Genera l $115,000
Hos pital, Cal f . . Camp McClellan Alabama : Stables and/or garage, $45,000 .
Camp McClellan, Ala . March Field, California : Noncommi ssioned offic ers' quarters , March Field, Calif. $257,400 ; officers' quarters, $ 405,000 : quarterm aster war ehouse, $45,000 ; quartermaster utilities warehouse and shops, $20,000 ; guardhouse, $25,000 ; fire house, $15,000 ; garage, $50,000 ; incinerator, $ 5, 00 0 ; g ymnasium, $40 ,000 ; post e xchange, $40,000 ; r ailr oad spur , $2,000 . Fo rt George G. Meade, Maryland : Noncommis sioned office rs' F ort ,nG Geo rge G. qu arte rs, $50, 000 ; o ffice rs' quart ers, $200, 000 . Mitchel Field, New York : Officers' quarters, $375,000 ; noncom- Mitchel Field, N . Y. missi oned officers' quarters, $180,000 ; quartermaster warehouse, $45,000 ; quartermaster utilities warehouse and shops, $20,000 ; guard- house, $32,000 ; garage, $50,000 ; post exchange, $40,000 ; gymnasium, $40,000 ; fire station, $15,000 ; railroad spur, $5,000 . Fort Monmouth, New Jersey : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, N FJrt Monmouth, $100,000 ; officers' quarters, $290,000 . Fort Mon roe, Vilginia : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, Fort Monroe, Va. $46,600 . Fort Myer, Virginia : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $108 ,000 ; Fen Myer, Va. officers' quarters, $110,340 . Fort Ontario, New York : Hospital, $15,000 . Fort Ontario, N. Y. Plattsburg Barracks, New York : Kitchen and mess halls, $75,000 . raF1 tsYurg Ba r- Presidio of San Francisco, California : Noncommissioned officers' Presidio of San Fran- quarters, $250,000 .
cisco, Calif . Selfridge Field, Michigan : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, Selfridge Field,Mich . $150,000 : officers' quarters, $150,000 . Shreveport, Louisiana : Barracks, $843,000 ; noncomm issioned offi- Shreveport, La, cers' quarters, $646,000 ; officers' quarters, $825,000 ; guardhouse, $32,000 ; garage, $30,000 ; incinerator, $5,000 ; quartermaster utilities warehouse and shops, $20,000 ; quartermaster warehouse, $45,000 ; hospital, $100,000 ; post exchange, $40,000 ; gymnasium, $40,000 ; fire station, $15,000 . Fort Wadsworth, New York : Officers' quarters, $50,000 .
N FYt Wads wort h, Fort Francis E . Warren, Wyoming : Additional wing, eighty by re Fort
E. War- thirty feet, for each of five barracks, $24,060 ; additional wing, sixty by thirty feet, for one barrack, $3,700 ; addition to laundry, $6,000 ; addition to central fire station, $3 .000. Fort Wayne, Michigan : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, Fort Wayne, Mich . $39,500 ; stables, $52,000 . Walter Reed General Hospital, District of Columbia : Quarter- piWalt teer 0 R eed Hos- master warehouse, $67,600 ; bakery, $9,500 ; laundry, $104,000 . West Point, New York, United States Military Academy : Officers' N Military Academy, quarters, $246,000 ; band barracks and practice room, $288,000 . Approved, July 3, 1930 .