SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. III . CHs . 62-65 . 1931 . CHAP . 62 .-Joint Resolution Authorizing acceptance of a donation of land, buildings, and other improvements in Caddo Parish, near Shreveport, Louisiana . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Unite d Sta tes o f Am erica in C ongre ss as sembl ed, That the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to accept title to such land, buildings, and other impr oveme nts in Ca ddo P aris h, ne ar Sh reve port, Loui si- ana, as may be donated to the United States for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a pecan experiment station . for commemorative purposes, of the battle field of Chalmette, Louisiana . 1045 January 30, 1931. [H.J. Res. 200.] [Pub .Res., No . 116.] Shreveport, La . Acceptance of site, etc ., near, for pecan ex- periment station . Be it enact ed by the Senat e and Hous e of Representatives of the Unit ed St ates o f A meric a in Congr ess a ssemb led, That the action of the Executive in directing the issue and the issuance of Army supplies out of the current and reserve stock for use of the Army, and in directing payment for supplies and for services rendered in connection with the shipment and transfer of such supplies ] includ- ing all other extra expenditures, for the relief of sufferers from the Mississippi River flood in the spring of 1927 is approved . Credit for all such supp lies so i ssued and funds so disbu rsed in c onnec tion therew ith, a nd wit h the relief tende red by the Ar my sha ll be allowe d in the settl ement of the accou nts of the of ficers of th e Army . Approved, January 31, 1931 . Mississip pi River flood, 1927. Issuance of Army supplies, etc ., for relief fro m, ap pro ved . Credit in accounts allowed . Ja nuary 31, 1931 . CHAP . 64 .-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to acquire [H . R. 5271 .] land and erect a monument at the site near Crookston, in Polk County, Min- nesota, to commemorate the signing of a treaty on October 2, 1863, between the United States of America and the Chippewa Indians . Be it enact ed by the Senat e and Hous e of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary LOld Rr osi n, Red of the Interior is hereby authorized to erect a suitable monument and Monument, etc ., at, historical tablets on or near the site of the encampment, located on com mem or ati ng easy, ing of Indian treaty, the banks of the Red Lake River at the place known as the Old authorized . Crossing, situated approximately fifteen miles northeast of Crooks- ton, Minnesota, where, on October 2, 1863, the representatives of the two bands of the Chippewa Indians, known as the Red Lake Band and the Pembina Band, and of the United States Government, signed a treat y cedi ng to the Un ited S tates of Amer ica th e Red River Valley of the North . The title to the land deemed appropriate for the site of this monument shall be vested in the State of Minnesota and the acquisition of the site and the care of the site and monument shall be witho ut ex pense to the F edera l Go vernm ent . SEC. 2. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money i n the Treasu ry not other wise a ppropri ated, the su m of $ 5,000, Pror iso . or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry out the provisions Citizenship r equire . of this Act : P rovid ed, That the said monument shall be the work of m ents. an artist who is a citizen of the United States . Approved, January 31, 1931 . [Public, No. 577.] Land title. No Federal expense. Amount for ex penses . Jan uary 31, 1931 . CHAP. 65 .-An Act To provide for the study, investigation, and survey, [H . R.6618.] [Public, No . 578 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary tle Chalmette, La ., bat- of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to have made a study, etc., of, for study, investigation, and survey of the battle field of Chalmette, poses emorative pu r- Approved, January 30, 1931 . CHAP . 63 .-An Act To approve the action of the War Department in January 31, 1931. [H. R.233.] rendering relief to sufferers of the Mississippi River flood in 1927 . [Public, No. 576.]