SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . CHs. 78, 79. 1931 .
1053 CHAP . 78 .-An Act Granting the c onsent of Congress to the S tate of Ill i- nois to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Pecatonica River northwest of Rockford, Illinois, in section 5, township 27 north, range 11 east, fourth principal meridian . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the U nited States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress is hereby granted to the State of Illinois to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge and approaches thereto across the Pecatonica River, northwest of Rockford, Illinois, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, in section 5, township 27 north, range 11 east, fourth principal meridian, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the con- struction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906 . SEC . 2 . Tha t the right to alter, amend, or r epeal this Act is here by expressly reserved . Approved, January 31, 1931 . January 31, 1931 . [11. R. 11779.1 [Public, No . 591 .] Pecatonica River . Illinois may bridge, near Rockford . Location . Construction . Vol. 34, p. 84. Amendment. January 31, 1931 . CHAP . 79 .-An Act To amend the Act of April 9, 1924, so as to provide [11. R . 12404 .] for national-park approaches .
[Public, No. 592.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United States o Am er ica in Congress assembled, That the Act en- Extension parks . f
n of road titled "An Act authorizing the construction, reconstruction, and im- sys steems in . 43,
n . 90, provement of roads and trails, inclusive of necessary bridges, in the amended . national parks and monuments under the jurisdiction of the De- u Pos a .s , p, c , ., p. 390. ls7o . partment of the Interior " (43 Stat. 90; U. S. C., title 16, p. 390, sec. 8), approved April 9, 1924, is hereby amended by adding the New matter. following " SEC. 4. Whenever the Secretary of the Interior shall determine des pproch- to be it to be in the public interest he may designate as national-park ap- proach roads and as supplementary parts of the highway systems of any of the national parks roads whose primary value is to carry Purp oses d eclar ed . national-park travel and which lead across lands wholly or to the ex tent of 90 per cent um owned b y the Gov ernment of the Unite d To connect with Fe d- States and which will connect the highways within a national park eral aid highways. with a convenient point on or leading to the Federal 7 per centum h i gh w ay sy s te m : Provi ded, That such approach roads so designated Leng th res trict ions . shall be limited to not to exceed sixty miles in length between a park gateway and such point on or leading to the nearest convenient 7 per centum system road ; or, if such approach road is on the 7 per centum system, it shall be limited to not to exceed thirty miles : Pro- anylonecoua y eagein vid ed further, That not to exceed forty miles of any one approach road shall be designated in any one county . " SEC. 5 . The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized dur- Imp rov eme nts du r- ing the fiscal years 1932 and 1933 to construct, reconstruct, and lm- 1 933 fiscal years 1932 an prove such national-park approach roads so designated, inclusive of necessary bridges, and to enter into agreements for the mainte- State, etc ., mainte- nance thereof by State or county authorities, or to maintain them noncee w hen o therw ise ne cessa ry, a s well as h ereaft er to cons truct, reco n- Con struct ion, e tc' struct, and improve roads and trails within the national parks and national monuments ; and for all such purposes there is h ereby aut horized to be appro priated, o ut of any money in the Sums authorized . Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the following sums : $7,500,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932 ; the sum of $7,500,000 for Provisos . the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933 : Provided, That under agree- Jurisdiction of Secre- tary of Agriculture . ment with the Secretary of the Interior the Secretary of Agriculture may carry out any or all of the provisions of this section : Provided, Annual a approachroads . further, that not to exceed $1,500,000 shall be allocated annually for