1072 Bureau of Yards and Docks. Emergency construc- tion. Maintenance . n56e . p9
Maintenance : For the purposes specified under this heading in the Naval Appropriation Act for the fis cal year 1931, $500,000 . Public works . Public works : For emergency appropriations for the purpose of increasing public employment and to enable the Secretary of the Navy to construct or provide, by contract or otherwise, the following-named public works and public utilities projects at a limit of cost no t to exceed the amount stated for each project enumerated, respectively, $4,420,000 . P Yadss and stations ati 11 .
Navy yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire : Extension of building numbered 98, $35,000 ; extension of building numbered 115, $50,000 . Boston, Mass . Navy yard, Bo ston, Massach usetts : Renew roof of building num- bered 105, $80,000 ; paving, to continue, $60,000 ; improvement of water front, $50,000 ; improvement of electric system, $150,000 ; cr ane faci liti es, mari ne r ailw ay, $50 ,000 . New York, N.Y . Navy yard, New York, New York : Extension of dispensary, $35,000 ; improvement of dry dock numbered 2, $749,000 ; improve- ment of water front, $200,000 ; improvement of building numbered 28, $60,000 ; improvement of power plant, $80,000 ; improvement of roofs, $70,000 . Philadelphia, Pa . Navy yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Improvement of power plant, $90,000 ; improvement of dry dock crane, $25,000 ; improve- ment of electric system, $35,000 ; improvement of power plant, $35,000 ; improvement of buildings, $100,000 ; improvement of water fr ont, $50 ,000 . Was hing ton, D.C.
Navy yard, Washington, District of Columbia :
Improvement of
he ati ng syst em, $20 ,00 0 ; improvement of power plan t, $25,000 .
Norfolk, Va .
Navy yard, Norfolk, Virginia : Improvement of boiler shop fa-
cilities, $150,000 ; extension of woodworking shop, $150,000 ; improve-
ment of distributing systems, $200,000 ; paving, to continue, $70,000 ;
impro vement of rai lroad system, $60,000 .
Mare Island, Calif
Navy yard, . Mare Island, California :
Improvement of fire pro-
tection, $75,000 ; floating derrick, $100,000 .
Wash .
Navy yard, Puget Sound, Washington : Extension of fuel oil
system, $75,000 ; fireproof vaults, $25,000 ; improvement of power
plant, $75,000 ; paving, to continue, $50,000 ; improvement of dry
dock numbered 1, $400,000 ; improvement of tracks, $50,000 .
Naval operating base, Hampton Roads, Virginia : Replacement of
pier numbered 7, $800,000 ; improvement of oil storage, $50,000 .
Naval station, San Diego, California :
Quay wall and dredging,
$210,000 ; improvement of crane tracks, $60,000 ; floating derrick,
$100,000 .
Naval torpedo station, Newport, Rhode Island : Extension of as-
sembly shop, $125,000 .
Hmin hamg ham, M
Massdepots .
Naval ammunition depot, Hingham, Massachusetts : Improvement
of water front, $55,000 .
Fort Mifflin , Pa .
Naval ammunition depot, Fort Mifflin, Pennsylvania : Improve-
ment of railroad, $70,000 .
Keyp ort,
Wash .
Naval to rpedo sta tion, Ke yport, W ashingto n :
Improvement of
fire protection, $15,000 .
Training stations,etc .
Naval training station, Rhode Island : Improvement of power
plant and steam system, $50,000 ; improvement of Government land- ing, Newport, $60,000 . Great Lakes, Ill . Naval training station, Great Lakes, Illinois, Buildings : Improve- ment of detention unit, $105,000 ; extension of seaplane hangar, naval reserve, $20,000 . SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . Cg. 111. 1931 . BURE AU OF YARDS AND DOCKS EMERGENCY CONSTRUCTION