Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1148

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . CHs . 168-170 . 1931 .

1105 half nor thwe st q uart er, nort hwes t qu arte r no rthw est quar ter sect ion 31, all in township 17 south, range 5 west, Salt Lake base and merid ian . The west half southwest quarter section 4 ; south half, northwest quarter northwest quarter section 5 ; north half, southeast quarter, east half southwest quarter, southwest quarter southwest quarter section 6 ; all of section 7 ; all of section 8 ; southwest quarter, west half northwest quarter section 9 ; all of section 17 ; all of section 18 ; northwest quarter, north half northeast quarter, south half south- east quarter section 19 ; all of section 20 ; southwest quarter section 21 ; west half, west half east half section 29 ; east half, east half southwest quarter section 30 ; northeast quarter, east half northwest quarter, north half southeast quarter, west half southwest quarter section 31, all in township 18 south, range 5 west, Salt Lake base and me ridian . The northeast quarter southwest quarter, south half southwest quarter, southwest quarter southeast quarter section 3


quarter, east half northwest quarter, east half southwest quarter, southwest quarter southeast quarter section 9 ; north half northwest quarter section 10, all in township 19 south, range 5 west . Salt Lake base and meridian . Approved, February 14, 1931 . Desc ripti on - C on- tinned . CHAP . 169.-An Act Authorizing the use of tribal funds of Indians belon n

February 18 5.x1. g


[H. R . 1236] on the Ii lamath Reservation, Oregon, to pay expenses connected with suits [Public, No. M.] pending in the Court of Claims, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of Ame ri ca in Congress assembled That the Secretary Kiamath Indian Res- ervation, Oreg . of the Interior is hereby authorized to pay, out of the tribal funds Sum authorized from tribal funds for pro- of the Indians belonging on the Klamath Indian Reserva tion in the see min g s ui ts pen di ng State of Oregon, all claims for actual and necessary expenses hereto- in Co ltof Cla ims . fore incurred, or to be hereafter incurred, including those now pending and unpaid, in connection with the preparation and prose- cution of the three suits b y or on behal f of the said Indians now pending in the Court of Claims : Provided, That all claims for such Appro val requi red . expenses shall first have been authorized or approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the Klamath Tribal Business Committee : P rovi ded furt her, That payments hereunder shall be Restriction on pay- limited to $3,500 and that any sums allowed and paid under this ments . Act to the attorneys shall be reimbursable to the credit of the Attorneys' fees . Klamath Tribe of Indians out of any amount or amounts which may hereafter be decreed by the Court of Claims to said attorneys for their services and expenses in connection with the Klamath Tribal Vol.41, p. 623. claims and suits under the Act of May 26, 1920 (41 Stat. L., p. 623). Approved, February 14, 1931 . February 14, 1931 . CHAP . 170 .-An Act Providing for the sale of isolated tracts in the former [H. R. 12871.] Crow Indian Reservation, Montana .

[Public, No . 649 .] Be it enacted by the Senate ana House of Representatives of the United States o Amer ica in Congre ss asse mbled, That the pro- Crow Indi an P oser- United

vation, Mont . visions of section 2455 of the Revised Statutes of the United States Sale at au ction of iso- as amended by the Act of March 9, 1928 (45 Stat. L. 253 ; U. S. C., laVol.45 p.253 rmer. 2d supp ., title 43, ch . 28, sec . 1171), be, and the same are hereby, p 598 S. C. Supp . IV, extended and made applicable to lands within the portion of the Vol . 26, p .1040. Crow Indian Reservation, Montana, ceded by the Act of March 3, 18 91 (26 Stat. L. 1040). Approved, February 14, 1931 . 5 7894 '-31 -70