SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. III . Cii . 187 . 1931 .
1117 by the Postmaster General, for the department and its several is ad propaiios eo. bureaus and offices, and other absolutely necessary expenses not here- inbefor e provided f or, $100,000 ; an d, in add iti on th ere to, su ms amounting to $83,000 for stationery supplies shall be deducted from other appropriations made for the fiscal year 1932, as follows : Gen- eral Land Office, $5,500 ; Geological Survey, $5,500 ; Indian Service, $50,000 ; Freedman's Hospital, $1,000 ; Saint Elizabeths Hospital, $2,700 ; National Park Service, $6,300 ; Bureau of Reclamation, $12,000, any unexpended portion of which shall revert and be cred- ited to the reclamation fund ; and said sums so deducted shall be credi ted to and co nstitute, tog ether with t he first-name d sum of $100,000, the total appropriation for contingent expenses for the department and its several bureaus and offices for the fiscal year 1932 . For the purchase or exchange of professional and scientific books, et Books, periodicals, law and medical books, and books to complete broken sets, periodi- cals, directories, and other books of reference relating to the busi- ness of th e dep irtment, $500, and in a ddition there is hereby made available from any appropriations made for any bureau or office office allotments . of the department not to exceed the following respective sums Office of the Secretary, $600 ; Indian Service, $500 ; Office of Educa- tion, $1,800 ; Bureau of Reclamation, $2,000 ; Geological Survey, $3,Q00 ; National Park Service, $700 ; General Land Office, $500 . PRINTING AND BINDING
Printing and bind . ing . For printing and binding for the Department of the Interior, b For Department, including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, except the Alaska Railroad, the Geological Survey, and the Bureau of Reclamation, $172,000, of which $50,000 shall be for the National Park Service, and $62,000 for the Office of Education, no part of which shall be available for correspondence instruction . EXPENSES OF INDIAN COMMI SSIONERS For expense s of the Boar d of Indian C ommissioners , $14,100, of Indian Commis- >
sioners. which amount not to exceed $9,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . G ENER AL L AND OFFI CE S ALARIES For Commiss ioner of the General Land Office and o ther personal commissioner, and services in the District of Columbia, $732,000, including one clerk office personnel . of grade 1, clerical, administrative, and fiscal service, who shall be designated by the President, to sign land patents . GENERAL EXPENSES General Land Office . Public lands . For traveling expenses of officers and employees, including employ- maps etcg expenses, ment of stenographers and other assistants when necessary ; for separate maps of public-land States and Alaska, including maps showing areas designated by the Secretary of the Interior under the enlarged homestead Acts, prepared by the General Land Office
- for
the reproduction by photolithography or otherwise official plats of Restoring lands in surveys ; for expenses of restoration to the public domain of lands nation al for ests, e tc . in forest reserves and of lands temporarily withdrawn for forest- reserve purposes ; and for e xpenses of hearings or other proceedings Hearings, etc . held by order of the General Land Office to determine the character of lands, whether alleged fraudulent entries are of that character