SE VENTY -FIRS T C ONGRESS . SESS . III . CH. 187 . 1931 . available : Provided, That not to exceed 10 per centum of the amounts appropriat ed for the various items in t his paragraph shall be avail- able interchangeably for expenditures on the objects included in this paragraph, but no more than 10 per centum shall be added to any one item o f appropriation except in cas es of extraordinary emergency and then only upon the written order of the Secretary of the Interior : Provided further, That of said sum not exceeding $10,000 may be expende d for personal services in th e District of Columbia . For completing the construction at Shoemaker Bay, Alaska, of the necessary buildings for the establishment of an industrial board . ing school for natives in Alaska, $100,000 . CONSERVATION OF HEALTH 1135 Provisos . Interchangeable sums. Amount for services in the District. Sh oem aker Ba y, Al aska . Boarding school for natives . Conservation of health. For conservation of health among Indians including equipment, materials, and supplies ; repairs and improvements to buildings and plants ; compensation and traveling expenses of officers and employees and renting of quarters for them when necessary ; transportation of patients a nd attendants to and from hos pitals and sanatoria ; r et ur n- ing to their former homes and interring the remains of deceased patients ; not to exceed $100,000 for construction of employees' quar- ters, other than those named herein ; and not exceeding $1,000 for m aujpressing tracho . printing and binding circulars and pamphlets for use in preventing and suppressing trachoma and other contagious and infectious diS- All otments for spec i- fied hospitals and sana- eases, $4, 050,000, including not to exc eed the sum of $2,282,000 for t or i a. the following-named hospitals and sanatoria Arizona : Indian O asis hospital , $23,000 ; K aye nta Tu ber cul osi s Sanatorium, $45,000 ; Fort Defiance Sanatorium and Southern Nav- ajo General Hospital, $105,000 ; Phoenix Sanatorium, $75,000 ; Pima Hospital, $23,000 ; Truxton Canyon Hospital, $9,000 ; Western Nav- ajo Hospital, $35,000 ; Chin Lee Hospital, $10,000 ; Fort Apache Hospital, $27,000 ; Havasupai Hospital, $5,000 ; Hopi Hospital, $40,000 ; Leupp Hospital, $26,000 ; San Carlos Hospital, $18,000 ; Tohatchi Hospital, $10,000 ; Colorado River Hospital, $23,000 ; San Xavier Sanatorium, $37,500 ; Phoenix Hospital, $30,000 ; California : Hoopa Valley Hospital, $20,000 ; Soboba Hospital, $20,000 ; Fort Bidwell Hospital, $13,000 ; Fort Yuma Hospital, $14,000 ; Idaho : Fort Lapwai Sanatorium, $85,000 ; Fort Hall Hospitals, $15,000 ; Iowa : Sac and Fox Sanatorium, $70,000 ; Minnesota : Pipestone Hospital, $20,000 ; Mississippi : Choctaw Hospital, $27,000 ; for construction and equipment of nurses' quarters, $8 .000 ; in all, $35,000 ; Montana : Blackfeet Hospital, $25,000 ; Fort Peck Hospital, $22,000 ; Crow Agency Hospital, $24,000 ; Fort Belknap Hospital, $30,000 ; Tongue River Hospital, $30,000 ; Nebraska : Winnebago Hospital, $32,000 ; Nevada : Carson Hospital, $20,000 ; Pyramid Lake Sanatorium, $35,000 ; and the appropriation of $10,000 for the fiscal year 1931 for construction and equipmen t of employee s' quarters, is hereby reappropriated and made available for the construction and equip- me nt of a physician 's cotta ge and t he repair and equ ipment o f employees' quarters ; Walker River Hospital, $21,000 ; New Mexico : Jicarilla Hospital, and Sanatorium, $60,000 ; Laguna Sanatorium, $30,000 ; Mescalero Hospital, $20,000 ; Eastern Navajo H os p it al , $1 5 ,0 00 ; for emp loyees' quart ers, includin g equipment, $18,000 ; in all, $33,000 ; Northern Navajo Hospital, $28,000 ; Taos Expenses designated . Arizona . California . Idaho . Iowa . M inne sota . Mississippi . Montana . Nebraska . Nevada . Amts, p.299. New Mexico.