S EVE NTY- FIRS T CONGRESS . SEss. III . Cia . 187. 1931 . Yakima project (Kennewick Highlands unit), Washington : The u nex pen ded ba lan ce of the ap pro pri ati on of $640 .000 for construc- tion for the fiscal year 193 1 shall remain available for the same purpose for the fiscal year 1932 ; Riverton project, Wyoming : For ope rati on and maintenance, $30 .000 of the unexpended balances of the appropriations for this purpose for the fiscal years 1930 and 1931, shall continue available for this purpose for the fiscal year 1932 : Provided, That not to exceed $20,000 f rom the power revenues shall be available during the fiscal year 1932 for the operation and maintenance of the com- mercial system ; Shoshone project, Wyoming : For continuation of construction, Willwood division, $17,000 ; for operatio n and mai ntenance , Will- wood division, $16,000 ; in all, $33,000 : Provided, That the unex - pended balance of the appropriation for con str uct ion , Willwoo d division, for the fiscal year 1931, shall remain available for the same purposes for the fiscal year 1932 : Provided further, That not to ex ceed $20, 000 from power re venues sh all be av ailable during th e fiscal year 1932, for the operation and maintenance of the commercial system ; Secondary projects : For cooperative and general investigations, the unexpend ed balanc e of the appropri ation for this pur pose for the fiscal years 1930 and 1931, contained in the First Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1930, is continued available for this purpose for the fiscal year 1932 ; For i nves tigat ions nece ssar y to dete rmine the econ omic cond ition s and financial feasibility of new projects and for investigations and other activities relating to the reorganization, settlement of lands, and financial adjustments of existing projects, including examina- tion of soils, classification of land, land-settlement activities, includ- ing advertising in newspapers and other publications, and obtaining general economic and settlement data, $50,000 : Provided, That the exp enditures from thi s approp riation f or any re clamation project shall be considered as supplementary to the appropriation for that project and shall be accounted for and returned to the reclamation fund as other expenditures under the Reclamation Act ; Giving information to settlers : For the purpose of giving infor- mation and advice to settlers on reclamation projects in the selection of lands, equipment, and livestock, the preparation of land for irri- gation, the selection of crops, methods of irrigation and agricultural practice, and general farm management, $25,000, which shall be cha rged to t he genera l reclam ation fun d and sha ll not be charged as a part of the construction or operation and maintenance cost payable by the water users under the projects ; Refunds of construction charges : The unexpended balance of the appr opriation of $100,0 00 contain ed in the First Def iciency Ac t, fiscal year 1928, for refunds of construction charges theretofore paid on permanently unproductive lands excluded from the Federal recla- mation projects specified in the Act approved Dray 25, 1926 (U . S . C ., Supp . III, title 43, sec. 423a), in accordance with section 42 of said Act, is hereby made available for the same purposes for the fiscal ye ar 1932 ; Under the provisions of this Act no greater sum shall be expended, nor shall the United States Le obligated to expend during the fiscal year 193'3, on any reclamation project appropriated for herein, an amount in excess of the sum herein appropriated therefor, nor shall the w hole expen ditures o r obligati ons incurr ed for al l of such projects for the fiscal year 1932 exceed the whole amount in the "reclamation fund" for the fiscal year ; 1145 Kennewick High- lands unit. Balance available . Ante, p. 308 . Eiverton, Wyo . Balance available . Ante, p . 308 . Protiso . Use of power reve. lines. Shoshone, Wyo. V illwood divisi on . Prou .,os. Balance reappropri- ated. Ante, p. 309 . Use of power reve- nues. Secondary projects . Balances available . Ante, pp . 309, 878. Dev elopmen t of new pr ojects, etc . Inv estigat ions to de- termine economic con- ditions, etc. Pr ot !so . Expenditures su p- plementary to aPPro- pr iations for th e proj- ects. Information to set• tlers . Accounting . Per manentl y unpro- ductive lands . Construction charges on . refunded . Bal ance av ailable , Ante, p . 309 Vol .44,p647 . p. 582. ti.S.C ., Supp . Iv, Expenditures limited to specific allotments .