1148 SEVEN TY-F IRST C ONGRESS . SESS . III. CH . 187. 1931 . and for performance of work of the Federal Power Commission, $ 199,000, of whic h amount not to exceed $125,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . For printing and binding, $190,000 ; for preparation of illustra- tions, $23,240 ; and for engraving and printing geologic and topo- graphic maps, $190,000 ; in all, $403,240, and any funds made avail- able in the fiscal year 1932 by cooperating States or municipalities fo r such printing and binding, i llustrating, or engraving and printing ; For the enforcement of the provisions of the Acts of October 20, 1914 (U. S. C., title 48, sec. 435), October 2, 1917 (U . S. C., title 30, sec . 141), February 25, 1920 (U . S . C., title 30, sec . 181), and March 4, 1921 (U . S . C ., title 48, sec . 444), and other Acts relating to the mining and recovery of minerals on Indian and public lands and naval petroleum reserves ; and for every other expense incident thereto, including supplies, equipment, expenses of travel and sub- sistence, the construction, maintenance, and repair of necessary camp buildings and appurtenances thereto, $270,000, of which amount not to exceed $40,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia ; During the fisc al year 1932 the head of any department or inde- pendent establishment of the Government having funds available for scientific and technical investigations and requiring cooperative work by the Geological Survey on scientific and technical investiga- tions within the scope of the functions of that bureau and which it is unabl e to perf orm with in the l imits of its appr opriatio ns may, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, transfer to the Geological Survey such sums as may be necessary to carry on such investigations . The Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer on the books of the Treasury Department any sums which may be aut horized hereunder , and su ch amoun ts shall be place d to the credit of the Geological Survey for the performance of work for the department or establishment from which the transfer is made Provide d, That any sums transferred by any department or inde- pe ndent est ablis hment of the G overn ment to t he Ge olog ical Surve y for cooperative work in connection with this appropriation may be expended in the same manner as sums appropriated herein may be Expenditure o f funds expended : Provided further, That any funds herein appropriated for the Geological Survey for cooperative work may be utilized prior to July 1, 1931, as required to enable the Geological Survey to continue its cooperative work pending reimbursement from coop- era tive age ncies, th e amount so util ized to be repaid to the appro- priation from which advanced ; During t he fisca l year 19 32, upon the req uest of the Secre tary of the Interior, the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to furnish aerial photographs required for mapping projects, in so far as the furnishing of such photographs will be economical to the Federal Government and does not conflict with military or naval operations or the other parts of the regular train- ing program of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps flying services, and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to reimburse the War or Navy Department for the cost of making the photographs, such cost to be confined to the actual cost of gasoline, oil, film, paper, chemicals, and the labor performed in developing the photographic negatives and the printing of copies of photographs, and the per diem expenses of the personnel authorized by law, together with such incidental expenses as care and minor repairs to plane and transpor- tation of personnel to and from projects, and the War Department or the Navy Department, on the request of the Department of the Interior, is authorized to furnish copies to any State, county, or Printing and binding. Geo logic a nd topo- graphic maps. Nonmetallic mineral min ing act . Enforcement of pro- visions of . Vol . 38, p. 741; Vol .40, p. 297; Vol. 41, pp.964, 139 5, 1396 . Scie ntific investig ar gations with depart- ments, etc ., by the bureau. Provisos. Transfer of funds for. transferred. Aerial photographs. Authorized for topo- graphic maps for avia- to rs . Reimbursement .